Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 8

Roar (Live from Passion 2020): A 6-Day Devotional
6 Days
Walk with Passion through the heart of six songs on their album Roar (Live From Passion 2020). Pastor Louie Giglio sums up the encouragement; "God is saying it’s time to turn from defeat to victory. It is time to turn from me, to less of me, and more of you, Jesus. It is time to come out of hiding, and to roar the name and the fame of Jesus.”

Deon Kipping - The Overflow Devo
7 Days
Having written some of the best songs in Gospel Music over the past few years, Deon Kipping steps in front of the mic with his album, I Just Want To Hear You. Showcasing the heart of seven different tracks on the album, Deon put together videos and a written devotional for 7 days. Take the week long journey with one of the rising stars in the Christian Music game on The Overflow Devo.

Character Of A Great Leader
7 Days
Knowledge is useless…unless we have the character and the gumption to live by it. And it takes a person of character to put that knowledge into practice. Character is what eventually makes or breaks leaders, yet it’s the most ignored and overlooked aspect of leadership development today. This plan focuses on the person and not just on leadership habits.

Speak Over Me
7 Days
Affirmation is one of God’s greatest characteristics that is connected with the love He has for us. God affirms so that we know our value and identity. Through this 7-day devotional, we will learn to understand what God has done in our favor.

The Ministry Of The King | Matthew 8-14 Explained
7 Days
When we think of a King, the first thing that comes to our minds is probably not someone washing windows. Kings don't serve, they are served. But Jesus is not your everyday kind of king. He came to serve. Grab your headphones and join us as our audio guides lead you through this section of Matthew, as we examine the Ministry of the King.

Jesus Christ Crash Course (Part 1)
14 Days
Matthew, one of Jesus’ inner circle, was inspired by God to write one of the four biographies about Jesus, and it can change your life. From the ultimate message on Christian living (Sermon on the Mount) to the invitation to find rest in Jesus, from the parables to understand God and grace to the final week of Jesus’ life, Matthew offers us a Jesus Christ Crash Course.

Matthew Explained Part 1 | Jesus Begins
15 Days
Jesus came to set up a kingdom that never ends, and it will be like no other empire or movement the world has ever seen. But that’s because it will be led by someone who has no equal. Matthew introduces us to Jesus, and we will be as shocked as Matthew was when Jesus invited him, “come, follow me”.

Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Matthew
20 Days
The Gospel of Matthew bridges the gap between the testaments, swinging back to gather up prophecies and going forward into the future, the first to mention the church by name. Matthew presents Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah and King. And though originally written to Jewish people, we can see Jesus Christ in a fresh new light through these 20 lessons from trusted Bible teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee.

Faith & Love: A One Year Bible Reading Plan - Part 4
20 Days
This one-year plan will take you on a journey in Faith and Love through the New Testament. We hope that you will be challenged to grow spiritually and be inspired as a follower of Jesus. This is Part 4 of 12.

Jesus In All Of Matthew - A Video Devotional
22 Days
Matthew is all about Jesus! This 22-day plan will walk you through the book of Matthew by reading only 1-2 chapters a day. Each day is accompanied by a short devotional and video that explains what’s happening and shows you how each part of the story points to Jesus and his Gospel.