Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 9

The Ministry Of The King | Matthew 8-14 Explained
7 Days
When we think of a King, the first thing that comes to our minds is probably not someone washing windows. Kings don't serve, they are served. But Jesus is not your everyday kind of king. He came to serve. Grab your headphones and join us as our audio guides lead you through this section of Matthew, as we examine the Ministry of the King.

Book of Matthew
7 Days
This devotion (taken from the Book of Matthew) will equip you with biblical truths, and guide you to practice it daily as you continue your walk of faith in Christ.

14 Days
This simple plan will lead you through the Gospel According to Matthew from beginning to end.

Jesus Christ Crash Course (Part 1)
14 Days
Matthew, one of Jesus’ inner circle, was inspired by God to write one of the four biographies about Jesus, and it can change your life. From the ultimate message on Christian living (Sermon on the Mount) to the invitation to find rest in Jesus, from the parables to understand God and grace to the final week of Jesus’ life, Matthew offers us a Jesus Christ Crash Course.

Matthew Explained Part 1 | Jesus Begins
15 Days
Jesus came to set up a kingdom that never ends, and it will be like no other empire or movement the world has ever seen. But that’s because it will be led by someone who has no equal. Matthew introduces us to Jesus, and we will be as shocked as Matthew was when Jesus invited him, “come, follow me”.

Faith & Love: A One Year Bible Reading Plan - Part 4
20 Days
This one-year plan will take you on a journey in Faith and Love through the New Testament. We hope that you will be challenged to grow spiritually and be inspired as a follower of Jesus. This is Part 4 of 12.

2020 Reading Plan — January
26 Days
We want to take new ground in every area of our lives. As we pioneer, we are going to need a big faith and a courageous spirit. One of the greatest ways we build our faith is by engaging the Scriptures and listening to the Word of God. The greatest days are ahead because the greatest adventures of your life have yet to be lived.

God Is ... Through Matthew
28 Days
Who is God to you? Is He angry and ready to pounce on you every time you fail? Or is He the God who is love, grace, and mercy? The way you view God will determine how you will stand in hard times. You will confidently know that your God has your back when you complete this 28-day journey to discover who God is through Matthew.

Rooted In Jesus: Miracles
28 Days
Nothing is impossible with God. That’s not just a nice statement, it’s one of the core truths we see all throughout the Bible. Our God is not limited by the physical barriers that often limit us. He isn’t trapped by our obstacle, afraid of our sickness, confused by our problem, or overwhelmed by our need. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and bring the superior realities of heaven to earth. He showed us that the heart of the Father is to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, cast out demons, meet the needs of His people, and bring the breakthroughs we need. Signs and wonders have a profound purpose - they show us the way to Jesus and leave us in awe of Him. Therefore, miracles are a normal part of a kingdom life. So let’s not settle for anything less. As we engage the Scriptures through our reading plan this month, let these miracle stories build your faith. Don’t let your personal experiences determine what you believe; let what you believe determine what you experience. If He moved in power then and there, He will move in power here and now, because Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

1,000,000 Chapters - Part 9
28 Days
There is nothing that equips or invites the Church to live like Jesus more than reading the Bible. The pages of the Bible capture God’s story and lead those who dare to read it to live out His story for today. That’s why Parkview is making the challenge to our church to collectively read 1,000,000 chapters of the Bible together. Will you join us on the journey?