Matiyu 10
Yesuyen mere basaŋ mar 12
(Mak 3:13-19; Luk 6:12-16)
1Be, Yesu beleŋ komatmiŋ 12 goyen yinke kuŋ gabu irkeb garbammiŋ kurayen kurayen sope yird yirdya uŋgura yakira teŋ teŋ tareŋya yunyiŋ. 2Yesuyen mere basaŋ mar 12 gote deŋembe gago: meheŋdebe Saimon deŋem kurabe Pita. Irde kuliŋ Andruya, Sebedi urmiŋ waraŋ Yemsya kuliŋ Yonya. 3Filipya Batolomiyuya Tomasya teks yad yad al Matiyuya. Irde Tadiusya Alfius urmiŋ Yemsya. 4Irde Saimon Selotyabe#10:4 Yesu hinhin goyenterbe Roma gabman asogo irde haŋyen mar kura hinhan. Go mar gobe Selot yineŋ hinhan. Yesu asogom haniŋde kiryiŋ al Yudas Iskariotya.
Mere basaŋ marmiŋ meteŋ yunyiŋ
(Mak 6:7-13; Luk 9:1-6)
5Yesube go mar 12 goyen yad yerke kuniŋ tiyamiŋ. Kuniŋ tikeb saba gahade yiryiŋ: “Al miŋ hoyaŋ Yuda mar moŋ hitte ma kunayiŋ. Irde Samaria marte taun kura bana ma po kunayiŋ. 6Israel marbe Al Kuruŋyen sipsip gega, meremiŋ ma nurde duwi hamiŋ geb, yeŋ hitte kunayiŋ. 7Kuŋ heŋyabe, ‘Al Kuruŋ beleŋ alya bereyamiŋ doyaŋ yird yird nalu gobe binde hihi,’ yineŋ tagalde hinayiŋ. 8Irde garbam mar sope yirde, al kamtiŋ yisaŋ heŋ, al busuka miŋyaŋbe sope yirde, al uŋguram yaŋbe uŋgura go yakira teŋ kuŋ hinayiŋ. Tareŋ gobe duliŋ tahaŋ geb, gwahade goyen po deŋ wor muruŋgem moŋ duliŋ al faraŋ yurde hinayiŋ. 9-10Irkeb meteŋ teŋ hinayiŋ goke al beleŋ faraŋ durde hinayiŋ. Niŋgeb kuniŋ yeŋbe hora uŋkureŋ muŋ kura ma po teŋ kunayiŋ. Irde kalwa ma yawarnayiŋ. Uliŋhorbe ultiŋde haŋ gog ep geb, hoyaŋ ma yawarnayiŋ. Kahaŋbasaŋya genuŋya wor hoyaŋ ma yawarnayiŋ. 11Taunyaŋya tiyuŋyaŋya kuŋbe al kura gargar dirtek al goke naŋkeneŋ yeneŋbe yeŋya hinayiŋ. Yeŋya heŋ kuŋ kuŋ meteŋtiŋ pasi irhet yeŋ nurdeb yubul teŋ hoyaŋde wor kunayiŋ. 12Be, al gote yare kuŋbe ya miŋ mar goyen, ‘Al Kuruŋ beleŋ bitiŋ yisikamke ga hinayiŋ,’ yinnayiŋ. 13Irke mel go deŋ ge igiŋ nurke yeneŋbe biŋ kamke heŋ heŋ mata goyen gor po tubul tike hiyeŋ. Munaŋ igiŋ ma denke yeneŋbe biŋ kamke heŋ heŋ mata gobe deŋ hitte mulgaŋ hiyyeŋ. 14Al kura gargar ma dirde meretiŋ ma nurkeb mel gore Al Kuruŋyen mere pel irhet yeŋ bebak tinaŋ yeŋbe kahaŋtiŋde niŋ tupi go busaŋ heŋ gab ya wet ma taun wet kura goyen tubul teŋ kunayiŋ. 15Fudinde wor po dineŋ hime. Taun goyenter niŋ marbe kame Al Kuruŋ beleŋ al igiŋya buluŋya pota yiryeŋ nalureb mata buluŋmiŋ gote muruŋgem buluŋ wor po tenayiŋ. Bikkeŋ Sodomya Gomoraya taunde niŋ mar beleŋ mata buluŋ teŋ hinhan gote muruŋgem tamiŋ gote folek wor po tenayiŋ geb,” yinyiŋ.
Kanduk kurayen kurayen forok yenayiŋ
(Mak 13:9-13; Luk 21:12-17)
16Be, Yesu go sopte gaha yinyiŋ: “Deŋ kunayiŋ bana goŋbe buluŋ dirtek marbe budam haŋ. Niŋgeb sipsip yad yermeke kulu duwi kahal bana kutŋeŋ tiniŋ tahaŋ. Niŋgeb deŋ meteŋ teŋ kuŋ heŋyabe kunere beleŋ keŋkela dufay heŋ ga mata teŋ haŋyen go gwahade goyen po teŋ hinayiŋ.#10:16 Yesu beleŋ kunere niŋ yiriŋ gobe buluŋ mat ma yiriŋ. Kunerebe keŋkela dufay heŋ ga mata teŋ haŋyen goke nurde yiriŋ. Kalyiŋgibe buluŋ gog kura tiya yeŋ ma nurde hityen. Niŋgeb deŋ wor matatiŋ gwahade po teŋ kuŋ hinayiŋ. 17Irdeb al niŋ nurde ga meteŋ teŋ hinayiŋ. Mel gore merem yaŋ dirke merere huwarnayiŋ. Irde kurabe gabu yayaŋ dukuŋ dusulak tinayiŋ. 18Ne niŋ buluŋ nurde haŋ mar beleŋ dukuŋ megen niŋ doyaŋ mar kurayen kurayen diliŋde merere derde hinayiŋ. Irkeb ne niŋ gusuŋaŋ dirkeb mel goya Yuda mar moŋ al miŋ hoyaŋya goyen momoŋ yirnayiŋ. 19-20Niŋgeb waŋ dade merere dukuŋ gusuŋaŋ dirkeb daha yiniŋ tihit yeŋ barbar ma yenayiŋ. Goyenter daha mat mere teŋ teŋ dufay duneŋ duneŋ albe deŋ moŋ. Goyarebe Holi Spirit beleŋ dufay dunke mere tinayiŋ geb, goke kandukŋeŋ ma nurde hinayiŋ.
21“Be, goyenterbe ire itiŋya igiŋ ma heŋ kura beleŋ al hay heke waŋ gasa yirke kamde hinayiŋ. Irde naniŋ beleŋ wor dirŋeŋ weŋ gwahade po yirnayiŋ. Irde diriŋ beleŋ huwarde naniŋya miliŋyat mere ma nurde asogo yirde gasa yirke kamnayiŋ. 22Al tumŋaŋ ne niŋ igiŋ ma nurde haŋ mar beleŋ asogo dirde hinayiŋ. Goyenbe gwaha dirde hike goke kafura ma heŋ saŋiŋ po heŋ hinayiŋ. Kuŋ kuŋ funaŋdebe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ dawaryeŋ. 23Niŋgeb ne niŋ teŋ buluŋ buluŋ dirkeb busaharde hoyaŋde kuŋ hinayiŋ. Fudinde wor po dineŋ hime. Deŋbe Israel naŋa bana niŋ taun kuruŋ gayen meteŋ teŋ kuŋ pasi ma irkeya ne Al Urmiŋ gayen mulgaŋ heweŋ.
24-25“Be, diriŋbe saba almiŋ gote dufay epte ma fole iryeŋ. Dufaymiŋbe kuŋ saba almiŋ gote dufayya tuŋande heŋbe gor po bada hiyyeŋ. Be, meteŋ al wor doyaŋ almiŋde meteŋ goyen fole ma iryeŋ. Meteŋmiŋbe kuŋ doyaŋ almiŋ beleŋ meteŋ teŋ hi gwahade po teŋbe gor po bada hiyyeŋ. Gwahade goyen po, deŋbe nere yufukner haŋ. Niŋgeb al beleŋ ne buluŋ nirde uŋgurayen kuruŋmiŋ Belsebul nineŋ haŋ kenem deŋbe daha dirnayiŋ? Buluŋ wor po dirnayiŋ. Al mali deŋtiŋ ga moŋ yeŋ nurde duneŋbe mere buluŋ mat wor po dirde hinayiŋ.
26“Goyenpoga gwaha dirnayiŋ mar goke ma kafura henayiŋ. Dufayya mataya kura epte ma po banare hinayiŋ. Banare hitiŋ kuruŋ gobe kame kawan po forok yeke al tumŋaŋ nurnayiŋ. 27Niŋgeb kamebe deŋ momoŋ dirde himyen gayen kawan po tagalde hinayiŋ. Balmiŋde mere dirde himyen goyen wor kawan tagalde hinayiŋ. 28Al mudunke kamnayiŋ mar goke kafura ma heŋ hinayiŋ. Yeŋbe ultiŋ go po buluŋ irnayiŋ. Munaŋ go kamere tontiŋbe epte ma daha wet kura irnayiŋ. Gwahade yarabe ultiŋya tontiŋya kak alare yemeytek albe uŋkureŋ go po gab kafura irde hinayiŋ.
29“Fiŋfuŋbe nu mukŋeŋ wor po gwahade kura yeŋ yentek moŋ gega, Al Kuruŋbe biŋ sir ma yirde hiyen. Niŋgeb nu goyen kura daha wet kura tiyyeŋ gob Al Kuruŋbe nurde hike ga tiyyeŋ. 30Tonaŋtiŋ yuwalŋeŋ epte ma kapyaŋ hetek goyen wor Al Kuruŋbe gwahade haŋ yeŋ keŋkela nurde hi. 31Niŋgeb deŋbe Al Kuruŋ diliŋdeb fiŋfuŋ buda damum gote folek wor po yeŋ deneŋ hi geb, heŋ heŋtiŋ ge kafura ma heŋ hinayiŋ,” yinyiŋ.
Yesu niŋ tagalde hinayiŋ
(Luk 12:8-9,51-53; 14:26-27; Mak 9:41)
32Be, Yesu go sopte gaha yinyiŋ: “Al kura al hoyaŋ diliŋ mar dufaymiŋ ne niŋ saŋiŋ irde hiyeŋ goyen tagalyeŋbe ne wor Nanne saŋiŋ miŋyaŋ gote diliŋ mar, ‘Al gabe nere,’ ineŋ. 33Munaŋ al kura ne niŋ yeŋ al hoyaŋ diliŋ mar, ‘Nebe ma nurde unhem,’ yinyeŋ al gobe ne wor kame Nanne saŋiŋ miŋyaŋ gote diliŋ mar, ‘Al gobe ma nurde unhem,’ ineŋ.
34Be, ga nurnaŋ ko. Nebe fuleŋa mata isikamde kamde niŋ ma megen gar katmiriŋ. Ne wamiriŋ gake teŋbe fuleŋare hinayiŋ. 35Nebe megen haŋ mar beleŋ mata gaha teŋ hinayiŋ yeŋ wamiriŋ. Mata gobe gahade:
‘Urmiŋ beleŋ naniŋ asogo iryeŋ.
Wiriŋ beleŋ miliŋ asogo iryeŋ.
Bere beleŋ huwarde uŋde miliŋ asogo iryeŋ.
36Gwahade goyen po al asogo wor po yirtek marbe yiŋgeŋ miŋ bana gore po asogo yirnayiŋ.’ Maika 7:6
37“Irde al kura miliŋya naniŋya niŋ uguŋ po nurde ne ma gama niryeŋ al gobe epte ma komatne hiyyeŋ. Irde al kura urmiŋya wiriŋya niŋ uguŋ po nurde ne ma gama niryeŋ al goyen wor epte ma komatne hiyyeŋ. 38Irde ne niŋ teŋ kanduk yeneŋ kamde kamde niŋ bada henayiŋ marbe epte ma komatne henayiŋ. 39Irde al kura megen heŋ heŋmiŋ ge uguŋ po dufay heŋ hiyeŋbe Al Kuruŋya epte ma hiriryeŋ. Goyenpoga ne niŋ teŋ al kura heŋ heŋmiŋ ge ma nurde gama nirde hiyeŋ al gobe Al Kuruŋya heŋ heŋ gobe yende hiyyeŋ.
40“Be, deŋ meteŋ teŋ kuŋ hikeya igiŋ dirde gargar dirde hinayiŋ gobe ne gayen nirde haŋ yeŋ nureŋ. Gwaha niryeŋ gobe ne po moŋ. Nanne nad nerke wamiriŋ al goyen manaŋ igiŋ igiŋ iryeŋ. 41Irde al kura, ‘Al gabe Al Kuruŋyen mere basaŋ al,’ yeŋ keneŋ igiŋ irde gargar iryeŋ al gobe mere basaŋ alyen muruŋgem tiyyeŋ. Irde al kura, ‘Al gabe al huwak,’ yeŋ keneŋ igiŋ irde gargar iryeŋ al gobe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ al huwakyen muruŋgem unyeŋ. 42Irde al deŋem moŋ gar haŋ gayen kura komatne yeŋ keneŋ bebak teŋ fe kura unke melak bida iryeŋbe gote muruŋgembe soŋ ma hiyyeŋ,” yinyiŋ.
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Matiyu 10
Yesuyen mere basaŋ mar 12
(Mak 3:13-19; Luk 6:12-16)
1Be, Yesu beleŋ komatmiŋ 12 goyen yinke kuŋ gabu irkeb garbammiŋ kurayen kurayen sope yird yirdya uŋgura yakira teŋ teŋ tareŋya yunyiŋ. 2Yesuyen mere basaŋ mar 12 gote deŋembe gago: meheŋdebe Saimon deŋem kurabe Pita. Irde kuliŋ Andruya, Sebedi urmiŋ waraŋ Yemsya kuliŋ Yonya. 3Filipya Batolomiyuya Tomasya teks yad yad al Matiyuya. Irde Tadiusya Alfius urmiŋ Yemsya. 4Irde Saimon Selotyabe#10:4 Yesu hinhin goyenterbe Roma gabman asogo irde haŋyen mar kura hinhan. Go mar gobe Selot yineŋ hinhan. Yesu asogom haniŋde kiryiŋ al Yudas Iskariotya.
Mere basaŋ marmiŋ meteŋ yunyiŋ
(Mak 6:7-13; Luk 9:1-6)
5Yesube go mar 12 goyen yad yerke kuniŋ tiyamiŋ. Kuniŋ tikeb saba gahade yiryiŋ: “Al miŋ hoyaŋ Yuda mar moŋ hitte ma kunayiŋ. Irde Samaria marte taun kura bana ma po kunayiŋ. 6Israel marbe Al Kuruŋyen sipsip gega, meremiŋ ma nurde duwi hamiŋ geb, yeŋ hitte kunayiŋ. 7Kuŋ heŋyabe, ‘Al Kuruŋ beleŋ alya bereyamiŋ doyaŋ yird yird nalu gobe binde hihi,’ yineŋ tagalde hinayiŋ. 8Irde garbam mar sope yirde, al kamtiŋ yisaŋ heŋ, al busuka miŋyaŋbe sope yirde, al uŋguram yaŋbe uŋgura go yakira teŋ kuŋ hinayiŋ. Tareŋ gobe duliŋ tahaŋ geb, gwahade goyen po deŋ wor muruŋgem moŋ duliŋ al faraŋ yurde hinayiŋ. 9-10Irkeb meteŋ teŋ hinayiŋ goke al beleŋ faraŋ durde hinayiŋ. Niŋgeb kuniŋ yeŋbe hora uŋkureŋ muŋ kura ma po teŋ kunayiŋ. Irde kalwa ma yawarnayiŋ. Uliŋhorbe ultiŋde haŋ gog ep geb, hoyaŋ ma yawarnayiŋ. Kahaŋbasaŋya genuŋya wor hoyaŋ ma yawarnayiŋ. 11Taunyaŋya tiyuŋyaŋya kuŋbe al kura gargar dirtek al goke naŋkeneŋ yeneŋbe yeŋya hinayiŋ. Yeŋya heŋ kuŋ kuŋ meteŋtiŋ pasi irhet yeŋ nurdeb yubul teŋ hoyaŋde wor kunayiŋ. 12Be, al gote yare kuŋbe ya miŋ mar goyen, ‘Al Kuruŋ beleŋ bitiŋ yisikamke ga hinayiŋ,’ yinnayiŋ. 13Irke mel go deŋ ge igiŋ nurke yeneŋbe biŋ kamke heŋ heŋ mata goyen gor po tubul tike hiyeŋ. Munaŋ igiŋ ma denke yeneŋbe biŋ kamke heŋ heŋ mata gobe deŋ hitte mulgaŋ hiyyeŋ. 14Al kura gargar ma dirde meretiŋ ma nurkeb mel gore Al Kuruŋyen mere pel irhet yeŋ bebak tinaŋ yeŋbe kahaŋtiŋde niŋ tupi go busaŋ heŋ gab ya wet ma taun wet kura goyen tubul teŋ kunayiŋ. 15Fudinde wor po dineŋ hime. Taun goyenter niŋ marbe kame Al Kuruŋ beleŋ al igiŋya buluŋya pota yiryeŋ nalureb mata buluŋmiŋ gote muruŋgem buluŋ wor po tenayiŋ. Bikkeŋ Sodomya Gomoraya taunde niŋ mar beleŋ mata buluŋ teŋ hinhan gote muruŋgem tamiŋ gote folek wor po tenayiŋ geb,” yinyiŋ.
Kanduk kurayen kurayen forok yenayiŋ
(Mak 13:9-13; Luk 21:12-17)
16Be, Yesu go sopte gaha yinyiŋ: “Deŋ kunayiŋ bana goŋbe buluŋ dirtek marbe budam haŋ. Niŋgeb sipsip yad yermeke kulu duwi kahal bana kutŋeŋ tiniŋ tahaŋ. Niŋgeb deŋ meteŋ teŋ kuŋ heŋyabe kunere beleŋ keŋkela dufay heŋ ga mata teŋ haŋyen go gwahade goyen po teŋ hinayiŋ.#10:16 Yesu beleŋ kunere niŋ yiriŋ gobe buluŋ mat ma yiriŋ. Kunerebe keŋkela dufay heŋ ga mata teŋ haŋyen goke nurde yiriŋ. Kalyiŋgibe buluŋ gog kura tiya yeŋ ma nurde hityen. Niŋgeb deŋ wor matatiŋ gwahade po teŋ kuŋ hinayiŋ. 17Irdeb al niŋ nurde ga meteŋ teŋ hinayiŋ. Mel gore merem yaŋ dirke merere huwarnayiŋ. Irde kurabe gabu yayaŋ dukuŋ dusulak tinayiŋ. 18Ne niŋ buluŋ nurde haŋ mar beleŋ dukuŋ megen niŋ doyaŋ mar kurayen kurayen diliŋde merere derde hinayiŋ. Irkeb ne niŋ gusuŋaŋ dirkeb mel goya Yuda mar moŋ al miŋ hoyaŋya goyen momoŋ yirnayiŋ. 19-20Niŋgeb waŋ dade merere dukuŋ gusuŋaŋ dirkeb daha yiniŋ tihit yeŋ barbar ma yenayiŋ. Goyenter daha mat mere teŋ teŋ dufay duneŋ duneŋ albe deŋ moŋ. Goyarebe Holi Spirit beleŋ dufay dunke mere tinayiŋ geb, goke kandukŋeŋ ma nurde hinayiŋ.
21“Be, goyenterbe ire itiŋya igiŋ ma heŋ kura beleŋ al hay heke waŋ gasa yirke kamde hinayiŋ. Irde naniŋ beleŋ wor dirŋeŋ weŋ gwahade po yirnayiŋ. Irde diriŋ beleŋ huwarde naniŋya miliŋyat mere ma nurde asogo yirde gasa yirke kamnayiŋ. 22Al tumŋaŋ ne niŋ igiŋ ma nurde haŋ mar beleŋ asogo dirde hinayiŋ. Goyenbe gwaha dirde hike goke kafura ma heŋ saŋiŋ po heŋ hinayiŋ. Kuŋ kuŋ funaŋdebe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ dawaryeŋ. 23Niŋgeb ne niŋ teŋ buluŋ buluŋ dirkeb busaharde hoyaŋde kuŋ hinayiŋ. Fudinde wor po dineŋ hime. Deŋbe Israel naŋa bana niŋ taun kuruŋ gayen meteŋ teŋ kuŋ pasi ma irkeya ne Al Urmiŋ gayen mulgaŋ heweŋ.
24-25“Be, diriŋbe saba almiŋ gote dufay epte ma fole iryeŋ. Dufaymiŋbe kuŋ saba almiŋ gote dufayya tuŋande heŋbe gor po bada hiyyeŋ. Be, meteŋ al wor doyaŋ almiŋde meteŋ goyen fole ma iryeŋ. Meteŋmiŋbe kuŋ doyaŋ almiŋ beleŋ meteŋ teŋ hi gwahade po teŋbe gor po bada hiyyeŋ. Gwahade goyen po, deŋbe nere yufukner haŋ. Niŋgeb al beleŋ ne buluŋ nirde uŋgurayen kuruŋmiŋ Belsebul nineŋ haŋ kenem deŋbe daha dirnayiŋ? Buluŋ wor po dirnayiŋ. Al mali deŋtiŋ ga moŋ yeŋ nurde duneŋbe mere buluŋ mat wor po dirde hinayiŋ.
26“Goyenpoga gwaha dirnayiŋ mar goke ma kafura henayiŋ. Dufayya mataya kura epte ma po banare hinayiŋ. Banare hitiŋ kuruŋ gobe kame kawan po forok yeke al tumŋaŋ nurnayiŋ. 27Niŋgeb kamebe deŋ momoŋ dirde himyen gayen kawan po tagalde hinayiŋ. Balmiŋde mere dirde himyen goyen wor kawan tagalde hinayiŋ. 28Al mudunke kamnayiŋ mar goke kafura ma heŋ hinayiŋ. Yeŋbe ultiŋ go po buluŋ irnayiŋ. Munaŋ go kamere tontiŋbe epte ma daha wet kura irnayiŋ. Gwahade yarabe ultiŋya tontiŋya kak alare yemeytek albe uŋkureŋ go po gab kafura irde hinayiŋ.
29“Fiŋfuŋbe nu mukŋeŋ wor po gwahade kura yeŋ yentek moŋ gega, Al Kuruŋbe biŋ sir ma yirde hiyen. Niŋgeb nu goyen kura daha wet kura tiyyeŋ gob Al Kuruŋbe nurde hike ga tiyyeŋ. 30Tonaŋtiŋ yuwalŋeŋ epte ma kapyaŋ hetek goyen wor Al Kuruŋbe gwahade haŋ yeŋ keŋkela nurde hi. 31Niŋgeb deŋbe Al Kuruŋ diliŋdeb fiŋfuŋ buda damum gote folek wor po yeŋ deneŋ hi geb, heŋ heŋtiŋ ge kafura ma heŋ hinayiŋ,” yinyiŋ.
Yesu niŋ tagalde hinayiŋ
(Luk 12:8-9,51-53; 14:26-27; Mak 9:41)
32Be, Yesu go sopte gaha yinyiŋ: “Al kura al hoyaŋ diliŋ mar dufaymiŋ ne niŋ saŋiŋ irde hiyeŋ goyen tagalyeŋbe ne wor Nanne saŋiŋ miŋyaŋ gote diliŋ mar, ‘Al gabe nere,’ ineŋ. 33Munaŋ al kura ne niŋ yeŋ al hoyaŋ diliŋ mar, ‘Nebe ma nurde unhem,’ yinyeŋ al gobe ne wor kame Nanne saŋiŋ miŋyaŋ gote diliŋ mar, ‘Al gobe ma nurde unhem,’ ineŋ.
34Be, ga nurnaŋ ko. Nebe fuleŋa mata isikamde kamde niŋ ma megen gar katmiriŋ. Ne wamiriŋ gake teŋbe fuleŋare hinayiŋ. 35Nebe megen haŋ mar beleŋ mata gaha teŋ hinayiŋ yeŋ wamiriŋ. Mata gobe gahade:
‘Urmiŋ beleŋ naniŋ asogo iryeŋ.
Wiriŋ beleŋ miliŋ asogo iryeŋ.
Bere beleŋ huwarde uŋde miliŋ asogo iryeŋ.
36Gwahade goyen po al asogo wor po yirtek marbe yiŋgeŋ miŋ bana gore po asogo yirnayiŋ.’ Maika 7:6
37“Irde al kura miliŋya naniŋya niŋ uguŋ po nurde ne ma gama niryeŋ al gobe epte ma komatne hiyyeŋ. Irde al kura urmiŋya wiriŋya niŋ uguŋ po nurde ne ma gama niryeŋ al goyen wor epte ma komatne hiyyeŋ. 38Irde ne niŋ teŋ kanduk yeneŋ kamde kamde niŋ bada henayiŋ marbe epte ma komatne henayiŋ. 39Irde al kura megen heŋ heŋmiŋ ge uguŋ po dufay heŋ hiyeŋbe Al Kuruŋya epte ma hiriryeŋ. Goyenpoga ne niŋ teŋ al kura heŋ heŋmiŋ ge ma nurde gama nirde hiyeŋ al gobe Al Kuruŋya heŋ heŋ gobe yende hiyyeŋ.
40“Be, deŋ meteŋ teŋ kuŋ hikeya igiŋ dirde gargar dirde hinayiŋ gobe ne gayen nirde haŋ yeŋ nureŋ. Gwaha niryeŋ gobe ne po moŋ. Nanne nad nerke wamiriŋ al goyen manaŋ igiŋ igiŋ iryeŋ. 41Irde al kura, ‘Al gabe Al Kuruŋyen mere basaŋ al,’ yeŋ keneŋ igiŋ irde gargar iryeŋ al gobe mere basaŋ alyen muruŋgem tiyyeŋ. Irde al kura, ‘Al gabe al huwak,’ yeŋ keneŋ igiŋ irde gargar iryeŋ al gobe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ al huwakyen muruŋgem unyeŋ. 42Irde al deŋem moŋ gar haŋ gayen kura komatne yeŋ keneŋ bebak teŋ fe kura unke melak bida iryeŋbe gote muruŋgembe soŋ ma hiyyeŋ,” yinyiŋ.
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