Planes de lectura y devocionales gratis relacionados con LUCAS 15
El antivirus
3 dias
Un virus miles de veces más pequeño que la cabeza de un alfiler nos está enseñando a valorar la familia, a recuperar ese abrazo seguro entre padres, hijos y hermanos que hace tiempo venimos ignorando. Nos está enseñando a poner los valores de la vida en perspectiva. Por eso he preparado este plan devocional de tres días para que reveamos juntos las prioridades de nuestra vida. Acompáñame en estos días.
What's Next: Student Edition
7 Days
This 7-day foundational plan helps you explore God’s Word to discover who God is and who He has made you to be.
12 Days
This simple plan will lead you through the Gospel According to Luke from beginning to end.
Let's Read the Bible Together (January)
31 Days
Part one of a 12-part series, this plan leads communities through the whole Bible together in 365 days. Invite others to join in every time you start a new part each month. This series works well with audio Bibles—listen in less than 20 minutes per day! Each section includes Old and New Testament chapters, with Psalms scattered throughout. Part one features the books of Luke, Acts, Daniel, and Genesis.