Mat 2
Ana akahnkahn ane lohngo go ero nfam ba
1Jisos, bo jel-e go Betlehem ji Judea ngare nyi Herod jolo ntul. Owo akahnkahn ane kehm lohngo go ero nfam ba go Jeusalem, 2ba kehme elbahbe re, “Mmon no na, no bo m-e jel, no li ntul no Jus? Tibre wahr ebnyehn elonlo eje go ero nfam. Owo wahnge e ba no re wahr ba kak-e.”
3Eji ntul a Herod wuku ano, eltim kehm-e jokko, a aneb Jeusalem kpee. 4Owo á kehm lungu atubesi abalimajom, a atꞌtibi ba atahm, bo ba kono edi ajehng. Á kehm bahbe bo re, “Kraist jio, bo bahk-e jele gan?”
5Bo kehm-e faange re, “Go Betlehem ji Judea.#2:5 Jon 7:42 Tibre ana wo nnyehnamahr Esowo nyono no re,
6“ ‘Wahn Betlehem ji Juda,
wahn erennge ejahbe sang go mbang anyehng anyehng
go ellong atubesi ajahbe nya li go Juda.
Tibre go egahne ellong wo,
ntubesi bahke lohngo,
no bahke ba fili Israel, ane ebame.’ ”
7Herod kehm lungu akahnkahn ane bao, tahm a bo go nkpohko, song bahb bo ekahmekahme ngare nyi elonlo jio lohngo no. 8Owo á kehm tumu bo tv go Betlehem, a elle ni á tubu bo re, “Songen, wahn song seb mmon noo nob nob! Ń lꞌsong seb-e nyehn, lim-m wahn, me n kahn, eji me n lꞌtob je song kak-e fvfo.”
9Eji bo ma wuk ana ntul bungu no, bo kehm tahme. Elonlo ji bo jo nyehn go ero nfam kehm gboko bo mbang tete song yiimi edi ji mmon noo jolo no. 10Eji bo kpe nyehn elonlo jio yim no, bo bele eyebatahng sehng, fere jo gꞌgeere. 11Bo kehm yele ekpꞌkpa, song nyehn mmon, a Meri nnyehn, gbo jamme alahng, kak mmon. Bo kehm soro lennge abam ebo, yehke agul, frankinsens, a mmir, yare mmon.
12Esowo kehm rehke bo go nlem re, bo kꞌkpe feere goji Herod. Owo bo kehm sehnge mbang nyindiki kehnge.
Ana Josef abola Meri, be no, tahm go Ijib
13Ngare nyi akahnkahn ane bao ma tahm fi, owo enjel nyi Esowo kehm ba kpiri Josef go nlem, kehm-e tongo re, “Tahm, wo rod mmon, a nnyehn, be, song go Ijib, kang ona tete me n kpe ba tong-a. Tibre Herod yahke ba mmon noa seb re á wul.”
14Josef kehm tahme, rod mmon, a nnyehn, bo tahm atv atv song rehng go Ijib. 15Owo á jolo no tete Herod kpo, eji lꞌlohko jol ana Jehova bungu sehng goji nnyehnamahr re, “N lungu mmon ewame go Ijib, á lohng ba.”
Ana Herod wulu abonse ba nse a nse
16Herod sebe kan kahn re, akahnkahn ane m-e nehm, atahng kehm-e rake tete. Á kehm tumu ane, bo song wul abon ba nlum kpee go Betlehem, a abon ajahbe ba li sennge o kak, ba ma kang bomo nnya ebal feere ndi, tib ana á wuku goji akahnkahn ane bao bada ngare nyi elonlo lohngo no.
17Ngare nyio nyi lohko lim ana nnyehnamahr Jeremaya bungu no re,
18“Bobwuk ewahl ane go Rama,
ewahl ji ane ma biingi aling,
fere kpꞌlingi ndon ndon.
Resel kpꞌlingi abon ebe.
Bo kak-e eltim,
jol eltim we tikem naange,
tibre bo kpeem li elikiliki.”
Ana Bab Josef feere kehnge go Nasaret
19Ngare nyi Herod ma kpo, owo enjel nyi Jehova kehm kpe song kpiri Josef go nlem, eji á jolo go Ijib, kehm-e tongo re, 20“Tahm, rod mmon, a nnyehn, wo feere a bo go ndi nyi Israel. Tibre ane ba jo seb re bo ba wul mmon bobkpo.”
21Josef kehm tahme, rod mmon, a nnyehn, feere a bo go ndi nyi Israel. 22Eji Josef wuku re, Arkelaus ebko nji nyi nde Herod, kpꞌfili Judea, á kehm kehme elfahle eljeke o. Owo Esowo kehm-e kpe rehke go nlem, Josef kehm tahme go ejang bi Galili, 23song lene go ejahbe ji bo kpo lung re Nasaret, eji lꞌlohko jol ana abanyehnamahr Esowo bungu no re, “Bo bahke jo lung-e re nne a Nasaret.”#2:23 Jon 1:46; 7:41
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Mat 2
Ana akahnkahn ane lohngo go ero nfam ba
1Jisos, bo jel-e go Betlehem ji Judea ngare nyi Herod jolo ntul. Owo akahnkahn ane kehm lohngo go ero nfam ba go Jeusalem, 2ba kehme elbahbe re, “Mmon no na, no bo m-e jel, no li ntul no Jus? Tibre wahr ebnyehn elonlo eje go ero nfam. Owo wahnge e ba no re wahr ba kak-e.”
3Eji ntul a Herod wuku ano, eltim kehm-e jokko, a aneb Jeusalem kpee. 4Owo á kehm lungu atubesi abalimajom, a atꞌtibi ba atahm, bo ba kono edi ajehng. Á kehm bahbe bo re, “Kraist jio, bo bahk-e jele gan?”
5Bo kehm-e faange re, “Go Betlehem ji Judea.#2:5 Jon 7:42 Tibre ana wo nnyehnamahr Esowo nyono no re,
6“ ‘Wahn Betlehem ji Juda,
wahn erennge ejahbe sang go mbang anyehng anyehng
go ellong atubesi ajahbe nya li go Juda.
Tibre go egahne ellong wo,
ntubesi bahke lohngo,
no bahke ba fili Israel, ane ebame.’ ”
7Herod kehm lungu akahnkahn ane bao, tahm a bo go nkpohko, song bahb bo ekahmekahme ngare nyi elonlo jio lohngo no. 8Owo á kehm tumu bo tv go Betlehem, a elle ni á tubu bo re, “Songen, wahn song seb mmon noo nob nob! Ń lꞌsong seb-e nyehn, lim-m wahn, me n kahn, eji me n lꞌtob je song kak-e fvfo.”
9Eji bo ma wuk ana ntul bungu no, bo kehm tahme. Elonlo ji bo jo nyehn go ero nfam kehm gboko bo mbang tete song yiimi edi ji mmon noo jolo no. 10Eji bo kpe nyehn elonlo jio yim no, bo bele eyebatahng sehng, fere jo gꞌgeere. 11Bo kehm yele ekpꞌkpa, song nyehn mmon, a Meri nnyehn, gbo jamme alahng, kak mmon. Bo kehm soro lennge abam ebo, yehke agul, frankinsens, a mmir, yare mmon.
12Esowo kehm rehke bo go nlem re, bo kꞌkpe feere goji Herod. Owo bo kehm sehnge mbang nyindiki kehnge.
Ana Josef abola Meri, be no, tahm go Ijib
13Ngare nyi akahnkahn ane bao ma tahm fi, owo enjel nyi Esowo kehm ba kpiri Josef go nlem, kehm-e tongo re, “Tahm, wo rod mmon, a nnyehn, be, song go Ijib, kang ona tete me n kpe ba tong-a. Tibre Herod yahke ba mmon noa seb re á wul.”
14Josef kehm tahme, rod mmon, a nnyehn, bo tahm atv atv song rehng go Ijib. 15Owo á jolo no tete Herod kpo, eji lꞌlohko jol ana Jehova bungu sehng goji nnyehnamahr re, “N lungu mmon ewame go Ijib, á lohng ba.”
Ana Herod wulu abonse ba nse a nse
16Herod sebe kan kahn re, akahnkahn ane m-e nehm, atahng kehm-e rake tete. Á kehm tumu ane, bo song wul abon ba nlum kpee go Betlehem, a abon ajahbe ba li sennge o kak, ba ma kang bomo nnya ebal feere ndi, tib ana á wuku goji akahnkahn ane bao bada ngare nyi elonlo lohngo no.
17Ngare nyio nyi lohko lim ana nnyehnamahr Jeremaya bungu no re,
18“Bobwuk ewahl ane go Rama,
ewahl ji ane ma biingi aling,
fere kpꞌlingi ndon ndon.
Resel kpꞌlingi abon ebe.
Bo kak-e eltim,
jol eltim we tikem naange,
tibre bo kpeem li elikiliki.”
Ana Bab Josef feere kehnge go Nasaret
19Ngare nyi Herod ma kpo, owo enjel nyi Jehova kehm kpe song kpiri Josef go nlem, eji á jolo go Ijib, kehm-e tongo re, 20“Tahm, rod mmon, a nnyehn, wo feere a bo go ndi nyi Israel. Tibre ane ba jo seb re bo ba wul mmon bobkpo.”
21Josef kehm tahme, rod mmon, a nnyehn, feere a bo go ndi nyi Israel. 22Eji Josef wuku re, Arkelaus ebko nji nyi nde Herod, kpꞌfili Judea, á kehm kehme elfahle eljeke o. Owo Esowo kehm-e kpe rehke go nlem, Josef kehm tahme go ejang bi Galili, 23song lene go ejahbe ji bo kpo lung re Nasaret, eji lꞌlohko jol ana abanyehnamahr Esowo bungu no re, “Bo bahke jo lung-e re nne a Nasaret.”#2:23 Jon 1:46; 7:41
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