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Embéo e Majaró Lucas 1837 (Caló)

Romani: Calo (Iberia)

Criscote e Majaró Lucas 1872

O Criscote e Majaró lo chibó en Calo-romano George Borrow, lacró yi Quimbila Biblica, andré o foros de Badajoz opré a mixa de Laloró, oben ye berji de Jesunvais de 1836, ta lo diñó á la suéti por la brotoba alicati, en Madrilati, crallico foros de Sesé, andré ye berji de 1837, ta acaná lo diñela á la suéti por la duita ali-cati, sar baribuias ennagraciones ta rechitamientos, andré Lundra, crallico foros de Britanniati, chim relliado de la doria, andré ye berji de Crisirné de milan otor gres efterdi ta dui (1872).

Caló Gospel of Luke 1872

The translation of the Gospel of Luke into Caló (Iberian Romani) was made by George Borrow with the help of Gypsies in Spain and Portugal. This was first printed in 1837. It was then revised and reprinted in London in 1872. Caló is the form of Romani spoken by Gitano Gypsies in Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and communities descended from them in Brazil. The 1837 Gospel of Luke was the first book of the Bible ever translated into any Romani language, and the first book ever published in any Romani language.

Digital Edition

This gospel was digitised from an original copy at the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) library with the help of MissionAssist. It was placed online for the United Bible Societies (UBS) Romani Affinity Group digitisation project.

This is a historical text maintained by the British and Foreign Bible Society 1872, 2016 

British & Foreign Bible Society


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