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I Ghiléngheri Ghília Salomunéskero an i Rômáni tćib 1875 (Sinte - Italia)

Romani, Sinte


Sinte is a form of Romani found in central Europe and northern Italy spoken by the Sinti Gypsy people, which shows a strong influence from German. 

I Ghiléngheri Ghília Salomunéskero 1875

The biblical book Song of Songs of Solomon (I Ghiléngheri Ghília Salomunéskero) was translated into Romani Sinti in Italian orthography by James Pincherle. It was published in Trieste in 1875. It is the earliest example of an Old Testament book being translated into any form of Romani.

Digital Edition

It was digitised in 2017 from an original copy in the British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) archives, with the help of MissionAssist. This was done for the United Bible Societies (UBS) Romani Affinity Group Digitisation Programme. This historical text is maintained by the British and Foreign Bible Society. See https://romani.global.bible

British & Foreign Bible Society


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