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Versiones bíblicas

Novi srpski prevod


The goal of the translation was to provide a modern translation of the Bible in the Serbian language that would be characterized by clarity, accuracy, and understandability, so that the modern reader could grasp the biblical message. Words, expressions, and idioms in the Bible often do not correspond with our modern linguistic contents. For example, the word “heart” in the Bible does not denote a person's feelings but rather their thought world, their reflections, desires, and motives. Such contents are often difficult to express in languages that belong to other linguistic and cultural spheres.

The New Serbian Translation is a fusion of the old and the new. Personal names, as well as names of places and other geographical terms, have remained the same as in the Danicic-Karadzic translation, except in cases where it was necessary to change them for the sake of consistency. Footnotes provide appropriate assistance to readers. They contain explanations of words and concepts, biblical measures of length, weight, quantity, monetary value, and so on. Words not found in the original have been added for easier reading and are marked in italics. We believe that this translation will find its place among readers who regularly utilize the Bible, as well as among those who are not familiar with its message. We hope that the reader will experience a meeting with the living God on these pages, who desires for all people to be saved through His Son, Jesus Christ.


Cilj prevođenja je bio da se ponudi savremeni prevod Svetog pisma na srpskom jeziku koji će se odlikovati jasnoćom, tačnošću i razumljivošću, kako bi savremeni čitalac razumeo svetopisamsku poruku. Reči, izrazi i idiomi u Svetom pismu se često ne podudaraju sa našim modernim jezičkim sadržajima. Na primer, reč „srce“ u Svetom pismu ne označava čovekova osećanja, već njegov misaoni svet, njegova razmišljanja, želje i motive. Takve sadržaje je često teško izraziti jezicima koji pripadaju drugim jezičkim i kulturnim sferama.

Novi srpski prevod je spoj starog i novog. Lična imena, te nazivi mesta i ostalih geografskih pojmova su ostali isti kao u Daničić-Karadžićevom prevodu, osim u slučajevima gde ih je bilo neophodno promeniti radi usaglašavanja. Podnožne beleške su prikladna pomoć čitaocima. U njima se nalaze objašnjenja za reči i pojmove, biblijske mere za dužinu, težinu, količinu, vrednost novca i sl. Reči koje se ne nalaze u originalu su dodate radi lakšeg čitanja i obeležene su kurzivom.

Verujemo da će ovaj prevod naći svoje mesto među čitaocima koji se redovno služe Svetim pismom, kao i među onima koji nisu upoznati sa njegovom porukom. Nadamo se da će čitalac na ovim stranicama doživeti susret sa živim Bogom koji želi da se svi ljudi spasu posredstvom njegovog Sina Isusa Hrista.

Biblica, The International Bible Society, pruža Božiju reč svojim prevodima i izdanjima Svetih pisama mnogim narodima afričkog, azijsko-pacifičkog, evropskog i latinoameričkog kontinenta; narodima Bliskog Istoka i Severne Amerike. Biblika na svetskom nivou pruža svim ljudima Božiju reč, kako bi doživeli životnu promenu u odnosu sa Isusom Hristom.

Biblica, Inc.


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