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Ti Biblia (1973)


Ti Biblia (TB) is a version of the Holy Bible in the Ilokano language using the formal equivalence principle of translation. This translation approach mirrors the formal characteristics of the Hebrew and Greek textual bases in terms of parts of speech, sentence construction, word order, and length of sentences. Therefore, readers of this translation are assured that the Ti Biblia version of the Holy Bible is a faithful and accurate translation.

Quotation Rights:

The TB text may be quoted (in written, visual, or electronic form) without requesting permission from the Philippine Bible Society provided that the number of verses does not exceed five hundred (500) and that the verses quoted represent less than half a complete book of the Bible. In all other cases, the user must first get permission from the Philippine Bible Society. Permission requests must be directed to: translations@bible.org.ph.

Acknowledgment must appear as follows on the copyright page of printed works using the TB text, or in a corresponding location when the TB is quoted in other media:

“Scripture texts are from the Ti Biblia © 1973 Philippine Bible Society, used with permission.”

When quotations from the TB are used for non-commercial or non-saleable media, such as church bulletins, orders of service, posters, presentation slides, and similar formats, a complete copyright acknowledgment is not required, but the initials “TB” must appear at the end of the quotation.