Yohanes 16
Nros ntak!
1Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Riwai tkyas tawe, ‘Kbe raa ro tabam refo knait anu.’ Bo weto beta Jõ tkyas kʼanu wia matim afo re kbe nmat bo wefo mabo to, kbe anu beroh smot Jõ fares. Kbe anu btek nwe fee. 2Raa manes ro Yahudi kbe meen mikyak anu, mawe wa mawe anu skabuk su nsya raa ro Yahudi mam samu watum rana u fee. Tna kbe raa mame anu taro njat. Tna raa ro mame anu weto to mnaut mawe ana mno bo moof, mnaut mawe reto Allah yhaf mnan. 3Ana weto wase Taja tna wase Jõ ye. Tibyo mno bo feto. 4Kair weto mama mai kʼanu fe fares. Tiwya tinyi snok mfo refo thau tsya anu fares. Feto to tkyas bo mkair weto tna sai. Mfo refo Jõ tkyas bo wefo kʼanu wia matim. Tkyas wia re kbe meen, ati ro bo mkair weto mabo to, anu nnaut nwe bo weto tiwya tawe kʼanu oh.”
Meen Har ro Tuhan mama
5“Menohe ayõ baro firwas tna thah tamo to kʼAit ro tiwya ybis Jõ troh tama tabam refo. Menohe fyi re anu sait bo ytu kʼJõ fee yawe, ‘Nyõ namoʼt hayo meto?’ 6Jõ tkyas bo wefo tibyo anu sraujin. 7Anu hawe bo Jõ sikba anu. Tamo tna kbe tbis Har ro Tuhan mama mo kʼanu. Har reto kbe mkyas watum kʼanu tna bo ro nno to, Au mban anu ye. Nnaut: Jõ tamo menohe tis rau to mafer moof kʼanu meto. Soh Jõ tamo fee; kbe Har reto mama mo kʼanu fee ye. 8Meen Har ro Tuhan mama tna betoo bo kʼraa ro tabam refo. Mkyas kʼana ro hawe smot Jõ. Har rAit betoo iro ro ana ja mno to re mhar kaket. Tna Har rAit betoo bo ro Allah ksoh raa mno to ye. Raa ro tabam refo ja mnaut mawe ana mhar bo ro Allah ksoh ana mbo mno oh. He mfe. Kbe Har rAit betoo bo reto kʼana kaket. Tna raa ro tabam refo ja mros susai mtu sas safo raa to, mtu kaket fee ye. Kbe Har rAit betoo bo reto kʼana kaket ye. 9Raa ro tabam refo smot tna msam wai kʼJõ fee. Au oh mi Har rAit kbe betoo iro wana kʼana kaket. 10Tamo to kʼTaja to tna kbe anu nmat Jõ u fee. Feto to tesait tkyas bo kʼraa ro tabam refo u fee. Au oh mi Har ro Tuhan kbe betoo bo ro Allah ksoh raa mno to. 11Kabes yabi (Iblis) ja ybo raa ro smot Jõ fee. Menohe Allah yoo safo mana ymit kʼait oh. Au oh mi kbe Har rAit mama betoo iso ro Allah kbe yros susai ytu safo raa to.
12Tna Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Jõ tawe tkyas bo mawat kʼanu fares. Menohe tkyas bo weto beta fee. Bo ro samyoh meto tna mfo refo anu srau fefares. 13Menohe kbe Har ro Tuhan mama. Tna Har reto mkyas bo sioh fee. Mkyas bo ro Allah kʼanu re anu nhar bombra beta ro ati. Har reto mesait mkyas bonaut rau fee. Menohe mkyas bo ro mari kʼAllah. Tna mkyas bo ro meen mama ye. 14Har reto mari bo mbam kʼJõ tna mkyas bo reto kʼanu. Mno feto tna kbe raa mhar bo yase aJõ, tibyo bibi Jõ. 15Bombra ro Taja wAit msya bohar rAit weto beta to bo woJõ ye. Feto oh mi tawe kʼanu tawe, ‘Har reto kbe mkyas bombra ro Au mari mbam kʼJõ to mkyas kʼanu.’”
Kuber ro Yesus wAit sraujin wia tna kbe simaut
16Tna Yesus yawe, “Ayõ kbet baro sai tna kbe anu nmat Jõ u fee. Tna ayõ kbet sai naut tna anu nmat Jõ u.” 17Tna kuber ro Yesus mtu kʼanya mawe, “Ykyas bawya meto ee? Ait yawe yamo yo kʼYaja tibyo ayõ kbet sai baro tna kbe bmat Ait u fee. Tna ayõ kbet sai naut tna anu bmat Ait u. 18Bawya oh mi ykyas yawe, ‘Ayõ kbet sai?’ Anu wase bwe Ait ykyas bo bawya meto!” 19Menohe Yesus yhar yawe ana mawe mtu bo kʼAit. Tibyo yawe, “Riwai tawe, ‘Ayõ kbet sai baro tna kbe nmat Jõ u fee. Tna ayõ kbet sai naut anu nmat Jõ u.’ Reto oh mi anu ntu kʼanya meto a? 20Nnaut: Anu kbe sraujin tna nwia. Menohe raa ro tabam refo kbe simaut renti. Anu kbe nwia wia matim. Menohe kbe simaut mrof. 21Mfi bo fai sau ro mhaf kene wo mabe to, ayõ ro ngkine mabe to kborham toni. Tna ku frok. Tna au sorni bo riwai kborham reto. Ku rau frok yama oh tibyo au simaut. 22Mfo refo anu fo sraujin. Menohe kbe anu simaut mase mfi feto ye. Kbe hah tama fri anu u. Tna raa sait bo yatak yno re simaut ranu reto marak fee. 23Nnaut: Ti reto to, anu ntu bo aro kʼJõ u fee. Wore weto to, bo bawya sai ro anu nyoh mkah tak ro Jõ tasom aJõ to, kbe Taja ysan kʼanu. 24Mamo snok mam mfo refo to, anu nyoh bo aro mkah tak ro Jõ tasom fefares. Nyoh re kbe anu tru. Tna kbe simaut mase.”
25Tna Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Bo wefo beta Jõ tkyas kʼanu mkah bofret. Menohe meen tkyas bo maja ro Taja to, tkyas abyõ sai kʼanu. 26-27Ati weto to, kbe anu nesait nyoh bo kʼTaja mkah tak ro Jõ tasom. Jõ tayoh fee. Taja yesait yhafri anu. Tibyo anu nesait nyoh bo kʼAit. Anu nhafri Jõ tna smot Jõ to. Tna Anu nhar nwe Allah ybis Jõ tama. Feto tibyo Taja yesait yhafri anu to. 28Tbam Taja troh tamaʼt tabam refo. Tna mfo refo Jõ sikba tabam refo hah tamo to kʼTaja.”
29Tna kuber ro Yesus mawe, “Mfo refo Nyõ nkyas bo abyõ. Nyõ fret bo fee. 30Nkyas feto to tna mfo refo amu nhar nwe Nyõ nhar bombra beta. Riwai Nyõ nhar bo ro amu nwe ntu kʼNyõ oh, menohe amu ntu bo reto fefares! Nyõ nkyas bombra beta mkak oh. Reto oh mi amu smot Nyõ tna nhar nwe Nyõ nama nbam Allah. Kbe amu ntu bo aro u kʼNyõ to fee.” 31Tna Yesus yawe, “Mfo refo anu smot Jõ. 32Menohe kbe anu nsam. Anu aro yasen ysam yamoʼt samu rait-rait. Tna sikba Jõ tesait akus. Menohe Taja yatam Jõ tibyo tesait kar fee. 33Bo wefo beta tkyas kʼanu afo re nhaf tnok tna waa ma. Nhau nhaf sau, srau sau su nsya Jõ tna kbe nhaf wanu tnok tna waa ma. Anu nhau mam tabam refo fares tibyo kbe anu raa sikowah. Menohe sraujin toni ma, mbito ntak. Jõ tase tros tatak tbo ait ro ybo tabam refo.”
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Yohanes 16: ayz
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© 2005 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. in cooperation with Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera, 2005
Yohanes 16
Nros ntak!
1Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Riwai tkyas tawe, ‘Kbe raa ro tabam refo knait anu.’ Bo weto beta Jõ tkyas kʼanu wia matim afo re kbe nmat bo wefo mabo to, kbe anu beroh smot Jõ fares. Kbe anu btek nwe fee. 2Raa manes ro Yahudi kbe meen mikyak anu, mawe wa mawe anu skabuk su nsya raa ro Yahudi mam samu watum rana u fee. Tna kbe raa mame anu taro njat. Tna raa ro mame anu weto to mnaut mawe ana mno bo moof, mnaut mawe reto Allah yhaf mnan. 3Ana weto wase Taja tna wase Jõ ye. Tibyo mno bo feto. 4Kair weto mama mai kʼanu fe fares. Tiwya tinyi snok mfo refo thau tsya anu fares. Feto to tkyas bo mkair weto tna sai. Mfo refo Jõ tkyas bo wefo kʼanu wia matim. Tkyas wia re kbe meen, ati ro bo mkair weto mabo to, anu nnaut nwe bo weto tiwya tawe kʼanu oh.”
Meen Har ro Tuhan mama
5“Menohe ayõ baro firwas tna thah tamo to kʼAit ro tiwya ybis Jõ troh tama tabam refo. Menohe fyi re anu sait bo ytu kʼJõ fee yawe, ‘Nyõ namoʼt hayo meto?’ 6Jõ tkyas bo wefo tibyo anu sraujin. 7Anu hawe bo Jõ sikba anu. Tamo tna kbe tbis Har ro Tuhan mama mo kʼanu. Har reto kbe mkyas watum kʼanu tna bo ro nno to, Au mban anu ye. Nnaut: Jõ tamo menohe tis rau to mafer moof kʼanu meto. Soh Jõ tamo fee; kbe Har reto mama mo kʼanu fee ye. 8Meen Har ro Tuhan mama tna betoo bo kʼraa ro tabam refo. Mkyas kʼana ro hawe smot Jõ. Har rAit betoo iro ro ana ja mno to re mhar kaket. Tna Har rAit betoo bo ro Allah ksoh raa mno to ye. Raa ro tabam refo ja mnaut mawe ana mhar bo ro Allah ksoh ana mbo mno oh. He mfe. Kbe Har rAit betoo bo reto kʼana kaket. Tna raa ro tabam refo ja mros susai mtu sas safo raa to, mtu kaket fee ye. Kbe Har rAit betoo bo reto kʼana kaket ye. 9Raa ro tabam refo smot tna msam wai kʼJõ fee. Au oh mi Har rAit kbe betoo iro wana kʼana kaket. 10Tamo to kʼTaja to tna kbe anu nmat Jõ u fee. Feto to tesait tkyas bo kʼraa ro tabam refo u fee. Au oh mi Har ro Tuhan kbe betoo bo ro Allah ksoh raa mno to. 11Kabes yabi (Iblis) ja ybo raa ro smot Jõ fee. Menohe Allah yoo safo mana ymit kʼait oh. Au oh mi kbe Har rAit mama betoo iso ro Allah kbe yros susai ytu safo raa to.
12Tna Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Jõ tawe tkyas bo mawat kʼanu fares. Menohe tkyas bo weto beta fee. Bo ro samyoh meto tna mfo refo anu srau fefares. 13Menohe kbe Har ro Tuhan mama. Tna Har reto mkyas bo sioh fee. Mkyas bo ro Allah kʼanu re anu nhar bombra beta ro ati. Har reto mesait mkyas bonaut rau fee. Menohe mkyas bo ro mari kʼAllah. Tna mkyas bo ro meen mama ye. 14Har reto mari bo mbam kʼJõ tna mkyas bo reto kʼanu. Mno feto tna kbe raa mhar bo yase aJõ, tibyo bibi Jõ. 15Bombra ro Taja wAit msya bohar rAit weto beta to bo woJõ ye. Feto oh mi tawe kʼanu tawe, ‘Har reto kbe mkyas bombra ro Au mari mbam kʼJõ to mkyas kʼanu.’”
Kuber ro Yesus wAit sraujin wia tna kbe simaut
16Tna Yesus yawe, “Ayõ kbet baro sai tna kbe anu nmat Jõ u fee. Tna ayõ kbet sai naut tna anu nmat Jõ u.” 17Tna kuber ro Yesus mtu kʼanya mawe, “Ykyas bawya meto ee? Ait yawe yamo yo kʼYaja tibyo ayõ kbet sai baro tna kbe bmat Ait u fee. Tna ayõ kbet sai naut tna anu bmat Ait u. 18Bawya oh mi ykyas yawe, ‘Ayõ kbet sai?’ Anu wase bwe Ait ykyas bo bawya meto!” 19Menohe Yesus yhar yawe ana mawe mtu bo kʼAit. Tibyo yawe, “Riwai tawe, ‘Ayõ kbet sai baro tna kbe nmat Jõ u fee. Tna ayõ kbet sai naut anu nmat Jõ u.’ Reto oh mi anu ntu kʼanya meto a? 20Nnaut: Anu kbe sraujin tna nwia. Menohe raa ro tabam refo kbe simaut renti. Anu kbe nwia wia matim. Menohe kbe simaut mrof. 21Mfi bo fai sau ro mhaf kene wo mabe to, ayõ ro ngkine mabe to kborham toni. Tna ku frok. Tna au sorni bo riwai kborham reto. Ku rau frok yama oh tibyo au simaut. 22Mfo refo anu fo sraujin. Menohe kbe anu simaut mase mfi feto ye. Kbe hah tama fri anu u. Tna raa sait bo yatak yno re simaut ranu reto marak fee. 23Nnaut: Ti reto to, anu ntu bo aro kʼJõ u fee. Wore weto to, bo bawya sai ro anu nyoh mkah tak ro Jõ tasom aJõ to, kbe Taja ysan kʼanu. 24Mamo snok mam mfo refo to, anu nyoh bo aro mkah tak ro Jõ tasom fefares. Nyoh re kbe anu tru. Tna kbe simaut mase.”
25Tna Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Bo wefo beta Jõ tkyas kʼanu mkah bofret. Menohe meen tkyas bo maja ro Taja to, tkyas abyõ sai kʼanu. 26-27Ati weto to, kbe anu nesait nyoh bo kʼTaja mkah tak ro Jõ tasom. Jõ tayoh fee. Taja yesait yhafri anu. Tibyo anu nesait nyoh bo kʼAit. Anu nhafri Jõ tna smot Jõ to. Tna Anu nhar nwe Allah ybis Jõ tama. Feto tibyo Taja yesait yhafri anu to. 28Tbam Taja troh tamaʼt tabam refo. Tna mfo refo Jõ sikba tabam refo hah tamo to kʼTaja.”
29Tna kuber ro Yesus mawe, “Mfo refo Nyõ nkyas bo abyõ. Nyõ fret bo fee. 30Nkyas feto to tna mfo refo amu nhar nwe Nyõ nhar bombra beta. Riwai Nyõ nhar bo ro amu nwe ntu kʼNyõ oh, menohe amu ntu bo reto fefares! Nyõ nkyas bombra beta mkak oh. Reto oh mi amu smot Nyõ tna nhar nwe Nyõ nama nbam Allah. Kbe amu ntu bo aro u kʼNyõ to fee.” 31Tna Yesus yawe, “Mfo refo anu smot Jõ. 32Menohe kbe anu nsam. Anu aro yasen ysam yamoʼt samu rait-rait. Tna sikba Jõ tesait akus. Menohe Taja yatam Jõ tibyo tesait kar fee. 33Bo wefo beta tkyas kʼanu afo re nhaf tnok tna waa ma. Nhau nhaf sau, srau sau su nsya Jõ tna kbe nhaf wanu tnok tna waa ma. Anu nhau mam tabam refo fares tibyo kbe anu raa sikowah. Menohe sraujin toni ma, mbito ntak. Jõ tase tros tatak tbo ait ro ybo tabam refo.”
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© 2005 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. in cooperation with Yayasan Sumber Sejahtera, 2005