
I Biblija ki Arli romani čhib

Romani, Balkan (Arli)

Romani Arli Bible

The Word for the World International


Arli romski jezik je rasprostranjen širom Balkana. Zbog toga je poznat i pod nazivom Balkanski romski jezik. Postoje i dijalekti Arlija koji nose druga imena. Arli ima dosta južnoslovenskih, persijskih, arapskih i turskih izraza.

Ovaj Arli prevod je najviše prilagođen Arli Romima koji žive u Republici Srbiji. Veoma je lagan za čitanje i slušanje zbog toga što u sebi ne sadrži zastarele Arli reči kojima se današnji govornici ne koriste u svakodnevnom govoru.

The Arli Romani language is spread throughout the Balkans. That is why it is also known as the Balkan Romani language. There are also dialects of Arli that bear other names. Arli has a lot of South Slavic, Persian, Arabic, and Turkish expressions.

This Arli translation is most suitable for Arli Roma who live in the Republic of Serbia. It is very easy to read and listen to because it does not contain outdated Arli words, rather, only words that today's speakers use in everyday speech.

The Word for the World International


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