Genesis 1:26-27
EasyEnglish Bible 2024
Then God said, ‘We will make humans so that they are very much like us. They will rule over the fish in the sea and over the birds in the sky. They will rule over the farm animals. They will rule over the whole earth and all the animals that move along the ground.’ God made humans. He made them to be like himself. He made them to be male and female.
חקרו Genesis 1:26-27
Genesis 1:28
God blessed them. He said to them, ‘Give birth to children. Grow in number. Fill the earth and rule over it. Rule over the fish in the sea. Rule over the birds in the sky. Rule over every different kind of living animal that moves along the ground.’
חקרו Genesis 1:28
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth.
חקרו Genesis 1:1
Genesis 1:2
The earth was without shape and it was empty. Deep water covered the earth and everywhere was dark. The Spirit of God moved above the water.
חקרו Genesis 1:2
Genesis 1:3
God said, ‘There will be light!’ And there was light.
חקרו Genesis 1:3
Genesis 1:31
God looked at everything that he had made. He saw that it was very good. Evening passed. And then it was morning. That was the sixth day.
חקרו Genesis 1:31
Genesis 1:4
God saw that the light was good. He caused the light and the dark to be separate.
חקרו Genesis 1:4
Genesis 1:29
Then God said to them, ‘Listen! I now give to you every plant on the earth as your food. I give you every plant that has seeds in it. I give you every tree that has fruit with a seed in it. I give them to you for your food.
חקרו Genesis 1:29
Genesis 1:5
God called the light ‘day’. He called the dark ‘night’. Evening passed and then it was morning. That was the first day.
חקרו Genesis 1:5
Genesis 1:6
Then God said, ‘A wide space will appear between the waters. So the waters will be in two separate places.’
חקרו Genesis 1:6
Genesis 1:30
I give to the animals green plants for their food. It will be food for all the animals on the earth, all the birds in the sky and all the animals that move along the ground. Everything that has life may eat every kind of green plant.’ And what God said happened.
חקרו Genesis 1:30
Genesis 1:14
God said, ‘There will be lights all across the sky. They will make the day different from the night. They will show the seasons, days and years.
חקרו Genesis 1:14
Genesis 1:11
Then God said, ‘The land will cause plants to grow. There will be plants with their seeds and trees with their fruits. Each kind of plant and tree will have its own seeds and fruits.’ And what God said happened.
חקרו Genesis 1:11
Genesis 1:7
So God made this wide space. He made the water under the space separate from the water that was above it. What God said happened.
חקרו Genesis 1:7
Genesis 1:12
All kinds of plants and trees began to grow in the ground. The plants made seeds. The trees made fruits with seeds in them. Each plant made its own kind of seeds. God looked at what he had made. He saw that it was good.
חקרו Genesis 1:12
Genesis 1:16
God made two great lights. The brighter light ruled over the day. The less bright light ruled over the night. God also made the stars.
חקרו Genesis 1:16
Genesis 1:9-10
God said, ‘The water that is under the sky will come together in one place. Then dry ground will appear.’ And what God said happened. God called the dry ground ‘land’. He called the water that had come together ‘sea’. God looked at what he had made. He saw that it was good.
חקרו Genesis 1:9-10
Genesis 1:22
God blessed the animals and the birds. He said to them, ‘Give birth to many young ones, so that you grow in number. Fill all the water in the seas. The birds also should become very many, all across the earth.’
חקרו Genesis 1:22
Genesis 1:24
God said, ‘Different kinds of animals will now appear on the land. There will be farm animals and wild animals. There will also be other small animals that move along the ground. There will be many kinds of animals and each kind will be different.’ And what God said happened.
חקרו Genesis 1:24
Genesis 1:20
God said, ‘The waters will become full with many living things. Birds will appear and fly above the earth, all across the sky.’
חקרו Genesis 1:20
Genesis 1:25
God made the different kinds of wild animals and the different kinds of farm animals. He made all the different kinds of animals that move along the ground. God looked at what he had made. He saw that it was good.
חקרו Genesis 1:25
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