Luke 22:42
Geneva Bible
Saying, Father, if thou wilt, take away this cuppe from mee: neuerthelesse, not my will, but thine be done.
חקרו Luke 22:42
Luke 22:32
But I haue prayed for thee, that thy faith faile not: therefore when thou art conuerted, strengthen thy brethren.
חקרו Luke 22:32
Luke 22:19
And he tooke bread, and when he had giuen thankes, he brake it, and gaue to them, saying, This is my body, which is giuen for you: doe this in the remembrance of me.
חקרו Luke 22:19
Luke 22:20
Likewise also after supper he tooke the cup, saying, This cup is that newe Testament in my blood, which is shed for you.
חקרו Luke 22:20
Luke 22:44
But being in an agonie, hee prayed more earnestly: and his sweate was like drops of blood, trickling downe to the ground.
חקרו Luke 22:44
Luke 22:26
But yee shall not be so: but let the greatest among you be as the least: and the chiefest as he that serueth.
חקרו Luke 22:26
Luke 22:34
But he said, I tell thee, Peter, the cocke shall not crowe this day, before thou hast thrise denied that thou knewest me.
חקרו Luke 22:34
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