John 3:16
Contemporary English Version
God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die.
חקרו John 3:16
John 3:17
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn its people. He sent him to save them!
חקרו John 3:17
John 3:3
Jesus replied, “I tell you for certain that you must be born from above before you can see God's kingdom!”
חקרו John 3:3
John 3:18
No one who has faith in God's Son will be condemned. But everyone who doesn't have faith in him has already been condemned for not having faith in God's only Son.
חקרו John 3:18
John 3:19
The light has come into the world, and people who do evil things are judged guilty because they love the dark more than the light.
חקרו John 3:19
John 3:30
Jesus must become more important, while I become less important.
חקרו John 3:30
John 3:20
People who do evil hate the light and won't come to the light, because it clearly shows what they have done.
חקרו John 3:20
John 3:36
Everyone who has faith in the Son has eternal life. But no one who rejects him will ever share in that life, and God will be angry with them forever.
חקרו John 3:36
John 3:14
And the Son of Man must be lifted up, just as the metal snake was lifted up by Moses in the desert.
חקרו John 3:14
John 3:35
The Father loves the Son and has given him everything.
חקרו John 3:35
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