Luke 18:1
Catholic Public Domain Version
Now he also told them a parable, that we should continually pray and not cease
חקרו Luke 18:1
Luke 18:7-8
So then, will not God grant the vindication of his elect, who cry out to him day and night? Or will he continue to endure them? I tell you that he will quickly bring vindication to them. Yet truly, when the Son of man returns, do you think that he will find faith on earth?"
חקרו Luke 18:7-8
Luke 18:27
He said to them, "Things that are impossible with men are possible with God."
חקרו Luke 18:27
Luke 18:4-5
And he refused to do so for a long time. But afterwards, he said within himself: 'Even though I do not fear God, nor respect man, yet because this widow is pestering me, I will vindicate her, lest by returning, she may, in the end, wear me out.' "
חקרו Luke 18:4-5
Luke 18:17
Amen, I say to you, whoever will not accept the kingdom of God like a child, will not enter into it."
חקרו Luke 18:17
Luke 18:16
But Jesus, calling them together, said: "Allow the children to come to me, and do not be an obstacle to them. For of such is the kingdom of God.
חקרו Luke 18:16
Luke 18:42
And Jesus said to him: "Look around. Your faith has saved you."
חקרו Luke 18:42
Luke 18:19
Then Jesus said to him: "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.
חקרו Luke 18:19
כתבי הקודש
קטעי וידאו