Yohanes 6

Yesus yoo boit yee kʼraa mabo 5000 mait
1-4Ti baro firwas, tna Yesus hah yamoʼt provinsi ro Galilea. Tna snyi reto to, kene wo raa ro Yahudi makyõ korat ro Paskah. Tna Yesus yroh yamoʼt maru ro Galilea. Tna frit yamoʼt ati tino. (Maru reto raa mtu masom maru ro Tiberias ye.) Raa mhar mawe Yesus yatak yno bo msai yisoh raa ro kiyam sor. Tibyo raa mawat mjor mama kro Ait. Tna fo Yesus yaut yamoʼt atu sau. Tna hre su ysya kuber wAit. 5Yesus ymat he raa msis-sas maut mamaʼt atu reto mo kʼAit. Ait yawe kʼFilipus yawe, “Raa mawat mam befo fo, kbe anu boo roti mam woyõ bee kʼana mait fo?” 6(Yesus yawe ytu feto sanet bosmot ro Filipus. Yesus yesait yhar bo bawya ro kbe Ait yno oh.) 7Filipus yawe, “Pitis mabut mkah anu boo roti bee kʼana beta mait. Mfi bo pitis dinar trion 200 bo feto, kbe ana makin mait roti kebet-kebet sai to. Pitis mabut sai.” 8Kuber ro Yesus rAit roto sait yasom Andreas. Andreas tait Simon-Petrus yao. Tna Andreas yawe, 9“Ku yaku sait yros mam befo. Tna ait yse roti trion maat msya syoh mana ewok. Menohe bo wait weto mabut ye. Raa msis-sas fo.” 10Yesus yawe, “Nbis raa weto hre mte.” Mam yuk reto bosafom moof. Tna raa weto beta hre mte. Raa sme wore weto beta to raa mabo trion 5000 bo feto. 11Tna Yesus yoo roti weto, tna skabuk yayoh asik mase kʼAllah. Tna ybo saim kʼraa ro hre mam weto. Ana moo nksoh rana sai. Tna yoo syoh weto to, yno saim mnan anya ye. 12Raa beta sohmaam mhaf matu. Tna Yesus yawe kuber wAit yawe, “Noo keranjang nmo soo roti msya syoh mabuf ro mhau to nfau mam keranjang. Mbeak ma.” 13Riwai roti mabuf maat aran sai. Tna raa mait mhaf matu. Tna kuber wAit soo roti mabuf ro mhau fares to, mfau mam keranjang. Mfau keranjang trion 12 matot. 14Raa mmat bo msai reto tibyo mawe kʼanya mawe, “Mamo snok ayõ mfo refo anu bwof nabi ro Allah ybis sait yama. Amu nnaut nwe Ait refi fi nabi retait yroh yama tabam refo!” 15Ana baro mnaut mawe mabe Yesus yhau ysya ana. Ana saim kʼanya mawe mikoh Ait yamo Raja rana. Yesus yhar yawe ana mnaut bo reto tna hawe. Tibyo Ait sesa Ait tna yesait yaut yamoʼt atu sau.
Yesus yamo abyõ mam aya mata
16Mti knu-knu fo, kuber ro Yesus mroh mamoʼt maru. 17Arin mti oh to, tna Yesus yama yo kʼana fefares. Ana maut mam wiak rana mawe miin frit matim mamoʼt remo ro Kapernaum. 18Ana miin mamo, mamo tna foos mase mama, figyõm mase mama mai ye. 19Ana miin mamo kilo mara maat bo feto oh. Tna ana mmat he Yesus yama. Yama abyõ mam aya mata yo kʼana. Mmat tna ana waa. 20Menohe Ait yawe kʼana yawe, “Waa ma, Jõ mefi.” 21Ana mari mai rAit tibyo ana beta simaut. Tna mawe, “Nama naut oh!” Yaut hre tna mam weto si oh to, ana mmat he wiak rana snok mam joh ro Kapernaum oh.
Raa mawat saso Yesus
22,23Raa mawat mhau akus fares mam maru maam ati tino. ⌞Mam wore wo Yesus yoo roti yayoh asik mase kʼAllah tna yee kʼraa mait to.⌟ Tna rabu ti fo, ana mnaut mawe, “Iis wiak sau aran mros mam joh. Tna mam wiak reto kuber ro Yesus mesait aran maut mamo. Yesus fee. Feto to Ait yaut wiak ryo?” Mhau tna wiak roto baro mbam remo ro masom Tiberias mama msyoha mam joh reto ye. 24Raa ro mhau mam weto fares mmat he Yesus ysya kuber wAit marak. Feto tibyo ana maut wiak weto mamoʼt Kapernaum mawe saso Ait mam beto.
Yesus fi roti ro mno raa mhau hame wajin
25Raa weto mkai Yesus mam maru tino. Tna mtu bo kʼAit mawe, “Guru; tija oh Nyõ snok wefo fo?” 26Yesus yawe, “Anu saso Jõ fyi? Anu nmat bo msai ro Jõ tno menohe bohar wanu to mabuf fares. Anu niit roti tna nhaf matu. Reto oh mi anu saso Jõ. 27Tomer nkah bo re nkai roti ro niit sai to ma. Roti to bo ro tabam refo sai. Rau ro moof to, anu nnaut nmos wanu. Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'. Saso boit ro mbam kʼJõ oh. Boit ro Jõ too tee kbe mnis fee, kbe mkak fee. Boit reto to mno raa mhau hame wajin. Taja ykyas Jõ yawe, ‘Ait fi, Jõ thaf mnan.’” 28Tna ana mtu kʼAit mawe, “Bo bawya sai ro kbe amu nno re Allah ksoh amu to?” 29Tna Yesus yawe kʼana yawe, “Bo ro Allah ksoh anu nno to fefo: Smot tna nsam wai kʼAit ro Allah ybis yama to.”
30Ana mawe, “Mfi bo Nyõ raa ro Allah ybis, tna nawe Nyõ nase niwer Musa to, sik nno bo msai sau naut u. Afo re amu nmat wia tna smot Nyõ. Kbe nno bo bawya? 31Tiwya tinyi hohos wanu mhau mam yuk ro riamo. Tna Allah ysair boit manna ro ana mait. Bokom ro Allah mkyas mawe: ‘Boit mfi roti mroh mbam uu mbtek. Tna Musa yoo yee kʼana mait.’”#Keluaran 16:4.
32Menohe Yesus yawe, “Musa fee. Nnaut: Taja oh mi tii yno roti mbtek mroh mbam uu to. Tna mfo refo yoo roti ro ati yee kʼanu niit. 33Ait ro yroh yama ybam Allah tna yno raa ro tabam refo maam to, Ait retait tait roti ro ati ro mbam kʼAllah oh metait.” 34Ana mayoh mawe, “Tuhan; roti reto, noo nee kʼamu niit yoyo oh.” 35Yesus yawe, “Jõ refi fi roti reto. Tno raa mhau hame wajin. Awya ro yama yo kʼJõ tait yhai sre u fee. Tna awya ro smot Jõ to, kbe yhai sbit fee ye. 36Riwai tawe, ‘Anu nmat Jõ menohe anu smot Jõ fefares.’ Mabo oh. 37Menohe Taja ykyas raa roto taro yawe, ‘Ana ro Jõ tsan kʼNyõ to, ana weto kbe mamo raa woNyõ.’ Ana weto beta kbe mama mo kʼJõ. Tna awya ro yama yo kʼJõ to, kbe Jõ tikyak ait fee. 38Jõ tbam Allah troh tama tno bo ro Jõ tesait ksoh to fee. Menohe tama tno bo ro Taja yawe. 39Allah oh mi ybis Jõ tama to. Tna Ait ybis yawe Jõ kmot ana afo re ana beta beroh smot Jõ. Ana beta ro ysan kʼJõ to Ait ksoh yawe kbe sait yarak o yakus bo to fee. Tna meen tno re ana beta mrok masen mam ti ro tabam refo haberek u. 40Allah ksoh yawe awya sai ro ymat Ku rAit tna smot Ait to, meen yhau hame wajin. Tna meen Jõ tno ana beta mrok masen mam ti ro tabam refo haberek.”
41Riwai Yesus yawe, “Jõ refi fi roti ro mbam kʼAllah.” Tibyo raa ro Yahudi knot-knot Ait. 42Mawe, “Menohe Ait tait Ku ro Yusuf yare sai! Anu bhar Ait yaja yme oh! Fyi re Ait yawe Ait yroh ybam Allah?” 43Tna Yesus yawe, “Knot-knot ma.
44Taja ybis Jõ troh tama tabam refo. Tna Ait oh mi ykuk raa taro mama mo kʼJõ. Tna soh Ait ykuk ana weto fee, ana mesait mtai mama mo kʼJõ fee ye. Tna meen Jõ tno ana beta mrok masen mam ti ro tabam refo haberek u. 45Tiwya Allah ybis nabi rAit sait yama ykom bokyas rAit yawe, ‘Allah kbe yfi guru ykyas watum rAit kʼraa beta.’ Awya sai ro yari bo ro Allah yawe tna yse mam yhaf mato rait to, kbe ait retait yama yo kʼJõ. 46Raa aro bo mmat Taja fee. Ait ro yama ybam Allah yesait aran ymat Taja oh. 47Nnaut: Awya ro smot Jõ to, meen yhau hame wajin.
48Jõ tno raa mhau maam hame wajin. Mnan fi roti ro mno re raa mhau maam mam tabam refo. 49Riwai anu nkyas nwe, ‘Anu hohos na tii mait manna ro mbam Allah mam yuk ro riamo.’ Mait fea! Menohe beta mhai. 50Roti ro mbam Allah oh mi Jõ mefi. Tna raa ro mait roti refo kbe mhai fee. 51Jõ fi roti ro mama mbam kʼAllah. Awya ro yait roti refo kbe yhau hame wajin.#Yohanes 4:14. Roti refo fo kwiyan aJõ. Tsan kwiyan aJõ afo re tno riof kʼraa ro tabam refo.”
52Mari feto raa ro Yahudi santri anya mawe, “Fyi re raa refi yawe yoo kwiyan rAit yee kʼanu bbo?” 53Yesus yawe, “'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai' tait, Soh anu nbo kwiyan rAit fee, tna soh nta mees rAit fee ye, kbe nkai riof ro hame fee. Bokyas ro ati oh mefo. 54Awya ro yabo kwiyan aJõ tna yata mees aJõ to, meen yhau hame wajin. Tna jõ tno ait yrok yasen mam ti ro tabam refo haberek u to. 55Kwiyan aJõ to boit ro niit oh meto. Tna mees aJõ to aya ro nta oh meto. 56Awya ro yabo kwiyan aJõ tna yata mees aJõ to yhaf sau su ysya Jõ renti, tna Har aJõ mjin mam ait yhaf rait renti ye.#Galatia 2:20. 57Taja ro yawyos retait ybis Jõ tama. Tna Ait yno re Jõ thau tawyos ye. Feto ye awya ro yabo kwiyan aJõ to yhau yawyos ye. 58Jõ fi roti ro mbam Allah. Hohos wanu tiwya mait manna. Tna beta mhai. Menohe roti ro Jõ tkyas refo mnan anya msya manna reto fee. Awya ro yait roti aJõ refo meen yhau hame wajin.”
59Bo wefo beta Yesus ykyas mam samu watum ro Kapernaum.
Kuber ro Yesus taro hawe kro Ait u
60Mari bokyas ro Yesus reto, tna kuber ro Yesus wAit mawat mawe, “Bokyas refo samyoh toni. Kbe awya ro yari tna yse kʼait?” 61Yesus yhar kuber wAit mmai kʼanya bokyas rAit reto. Tna yawe, “Anu kmo bokyas reto a? 62Jõ fi 'Ait ro Yroh Yama Yfi Raa Sai'. Meen Jõ hah u taut tamoʼt oo ro tii thau wia. Mfi bo meen anu nmat bo reto to, kbe anu ne nnaut nwe bawya?#Yohanes 6:30. 63Har ro Tuhan mno raa ro tabam refo, mhaf, srau wana mrok haberek. Mno re ana weto moo ‘mamos ro tna’. Raa mesait tomer mno mhaf wana haberek to, mtai fee, mkai riof ro hame wajin fee. Menohe bokyas ro Jõ tkyas kʼanu to bokyas Har ro Tuhan rAu. Tna bokyas reto mno raa mkai riof ro hame wajin. 64Anu nkin wefo to, taro smot Jõ fee.” (Maban tinyi wore Ait yamo guru Yesus yhar wia oh awya ro smot Ait fee, tna awya ro kbe hren serek Ait.) 65Tna Yesus yawe, “Reto oh mi Jõ tkyas kʼanu tawe soh Taja ybis wia to fee, kbe raa sait ytai yama yo kʼJõ fee ye.” 66Tna ayõ reto kuber wAit mawat sikba Ait, hawe bo kro Ait u fee.
Petrus sikba Yesus fee
67Tna Yesus ytu kuber wAit mabo 12 reto yawe, “Fyi, anu nwe sikba Jõ ye fe mfe a?” 68Simon-Petrus yawe kʼAit yawe, “Tuhan; amu kbe nmo no kʼawya u? Nyõ oh mi nkyas bokyas ro mno re raa mhau hame wajin. 69Amu smot Nyõ tna nhar nwe, Nyõ fi Ait ro Allah Ybis Yama.” 70Tna Yesus yawe, “Anu nbo 12 refo Jõ tsok oh. Menohe anu wefo sait tait kabes mhau kait yhaf mato rait.” 71(Ait ykyas Yudas, ku ro Simon Iskariot yare. Ait ysya raa mabo 12 ja kro Yesus. Menohe kbe ait besruf Yesus kʼraa re mame yajat.)

נבחרו כעת:

Yohanes 6: ayz





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