(John) He Shows Goodwill Tells the Good Story 7:37

(John) He Shows Goodwill Tells the Good Story 7:37 FNVNT

It was now the last and greatest day of the Festival of Shelters. It has been said that on this day, by ancient tradition, a holy man would be chosen to take a golden pot to the Waters of Sending Village (Pool of Siloam) and fill it with water. He would then bring the water to the sacred lodge for a special ceremony and celebration. The holy man would take the water to the great altar, and then at the sound of the ram’s horn, called the shofar, he would pour out the water on the altar. They would recite the words of the prophet Creator Will Help Us (Isaiah) , “With glad hearts we will draw from the wells, water that will set us free.” After the ceremony Creator Sets Free (Jesus) stood before the people and cried out with a loud voice, “The ones who thirst must come to me and drink!