Mark 12

The Rich and the Poor
41Jesus beshed adre the tan
where the kongeri
kept their lovva.
He dicked all the foki
delling their lovva.
Rich foki jelled by
and delled a lot of lovva,
buti lovva, yek bar,
dui bar, even a jacks.
42Then a poor widow-woman
jelled by and only kurred
a couple of farthings in.
43But Jesus called
his mushes together
and pukkered them,
“I pen tuti,
this poor widow-woman
delled more for the kongeri
than all the waver foki.
44The waver foki delled some lovva
but they still had plenty more.
She had nixes
but she gave everything she had.
She even delled them
her bread money,
the little bit of lovva
she needed to kin moro.”

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Mark 12: ARKL





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