Ezekiel 34
Mi-duvvel diks us as bokros nashered from the puv
6My bokros jelled all over the mountains and opre the hills. My bokros prastered all over the tem. Kekomoni dikked for them, and there was never a mush to roder them. 11So the Rai, mi-Duvvel rokkered: “Dik-ai! I will jell and dik for my bokros my kokkero. A bokkengro jels to dik for his bokros when they're nashered, and I'm jelling to dik for my bokros. 12They nashered avri one divvus when there was clouds and bori kaulipen; but I will lel them kushti from their bokki tans. 15I will be mandi's bokros' bokkengro mi-kokkero and ker them to besh alé shukarly.”
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Ezekiel 34: SGM1985
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© SGM Lifewords Ltd 1985, used with permission
Ezekiel 34
Mi-duvvel diks us as bokros nashered from the puv
6My bokros jelled all over the mountains and opre the hills. My bokros prastered all over the tem. Kekomoni dikked for them, and there was never a mush to roder them. 11So the Rai, mi-Duvvel rokkered: “Dik-ai! I will jell and dik for my bokros my kokkero. A bokkengro jels to dik for his bokros when they're nashered, and I'm jelling to dik for my bokros. 12They nashered avri one divvus when there was clouds and bori kaulipen; but I will lel them kushti from their bokki tans. 15I will be mandi's bokros' bokkengro mi-kokkero and ker them to besh alé shukarly.”
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Ingin menyimpan sorotan di semua perangkat Anda? Daftar atau masuk
© SGM Lifewords Ltd 1985, used with permission