Genesis 6:6
New International Reader’s Version
The LORD was very sad that he had made human beings on the earth. His heart was filled with pain.
Esplora Genesis 6:6
Genesis 6:5
The LORD saw how bad the sins of everyone on earth had become. They only thought about evil things.
Esplora Genesis 6:5
Genesis 6:8
But the LORD was very pleased with Noah.
Esplora Genesis 6:8
Genesis 6:9
Here is the story of Noah’s family line. Noah was a godly man. He was without blame among the people of his time. He walked faithfully with God.
Esplora Genesis 6:9
Genesis 6:7
So the LORD said, “I created human beings, but I will wipe them out. I will also destroy the animals, the birds in the sky, and the creatures that move along the ground. I am very sad that I have made human beings.”
Esplora Genesis 6:7
Genesis 6:1-4
There began to be many human beings on the earth. And daughters were born to them. The sons of God saw that the daughters of human beings were beautiful. So they married any of them they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not struggle with human beings forever. They will have only 120 years to live.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days. That was when the sons of God went to the daughters of human beings. Children were born to them. The Nephilim were famous heroes who lived long ago. Nephilim were also on the earth later on.
Esplora Genesis 6:1-4
Genesis 6:22
Noah did everything just as God commanded him.
Esplora Genesis 6:22
Genesis 6:13
So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to everyone. They have filled the earth with their harmful acts. I am certainly going to destroy them and the earth.
Esplora Genesis 6:13
Genesis 6:14
So make yourself an ark out of cypress wood. Make rooms in it. Cover it with tar inside and out.
Esplora Genesis 6:14
Genesis 6:12
God saw how sinful the earth had become. All its people were living very sinful lives.
Esplora Genesis 6:12
Genesis 6:19
Bring a male and a female of every living thing into the ark. They will be kept alive with you.
Esplora Genesis 6:19