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ᒋᓴᒪᓂᑐ ᐅᑦ ᐃᔨᒧᐅᓐ - ᒋᒋᒥᓯᓇᐃᑭᓐ

Naskapi (Iyuw Iyimuun)

These Scriptures are a new translation into the Naskapi language spoken at Kawawachikamach, Quebec.

We the Naskapi people have been eager to have our own translation of the Bible. For many decades we have had to make do with Scriptures that were translated for indigenous languages that are different from our own: most notably Bishop Horden's Moose Cree New Testament and prayer book, and Rev. W. G. Walton's prayer book.

The Naskapi Development Corporation has been engaged with this work since the 1990s, facilitated by Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Canadian Bible Society. The Naskapi community grateful acknowledges the help of all who participated with us in producing these Scriptures. Our prayer is that these Words of God will be cherished by our people for generations to come.

Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.

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