Lukas 11:13
The Orthodox Jewish Bible
If, therefore, you, though you are ra'im (evil ones), have da'as (knowledge) of how to give matanot tovot (good gifts) to your yeladim, how much more will HaAv sh'ba'Shomayim give the Ruach Hakodesh to the ones asking him.
Naršyti Lukas 11:13
Lukas 11:9
And I tell you [when you daven], ask, and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.
Naršyti Lukas 11:9
Lukas 11:10
For everyone asking receives; and he who is seeking, finds; and to the one knocking, it shall be opened.
Naršyti Lukas 11:10
Lukas 11:2
And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, When you daven, say, Avinu, yitkadash shmecha (hallowed be Thy Name). Tavo malchutechah (Thy kingdom come).
Naršyti Lukas 11:2
Lukas 11:4
U slach lanu es chovoteinu (And forgive us our debts, sins) ki solechim gam anachnu lekhol hachayav lanu (for also we ourselves are forgiving all that are the debtor to us) val tevieinu lidei nisayon (And lead us not into temptation).
Naršyti Lukas 11:4
Lukas 11:3
Es lechem chukeinu ten lanu yom yom (Give us day by day the bread we need).
Naršyti Lukas 11:3
Lukas 11:34
The menorah of the basar is your ayin (eye). When your ayin is sound, then your entire basar is full of ohr. But when it is rah, then your basar is full of choshech.
Naršyti Lukas 11:34
Lukas 11:33
No one having lit a menorah puts it in a hidden place, nor under the measuring bucket, but on the shulchan, in order that the ones entering may see the ohr.
Naršyti Lukas 11:33
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