John 5
1After these things there was a feast day of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
2And in Jerusalem is a washing place, that in Hebrew is called Bethesda, and hath five porches. [Forsooth at Jerusalem is a standing water of beasts, that in Hebrew is called Bethesda, having five little gates, or entries.]
3In these lay a great multitude of sick men, blind, crooked, and dry, abiding the moving [or the stirring] of the water.
4For the angel of the Lord came down certain times into the [standing] water, and the water was moved; and he that first came down into the cistern, after the moving of the water, was made whole of whatever sickness he was held.
5And a man was there, having eight and thirty years in his sickness.
6And when Jesus had seen him lying, and had known, that he had much time, he saith to him, Wilt thou be made whole?
7The sick man answered to him, Lord, I have no man, that when the water is moved [or troubled], to put me into the cistern; for while I come, another goeth down before me.
8Jesus saith to him, Rise up, take thy bed, and go.
9And anon the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and went forth. And it was sabbath in that day.
10Therefore the Jews said to him that was made whole, It is sabbath, it is not leaveful to thee, to take away thy bed.
11He answered to them, He that made me whole, said to me, Take thy bed, and go.
12Therefore they asked him, What man is that [or Who is that man], that said to thee, Take up thy bed, and go?
13But he that was made whole, wist not who it was. And Jesus bowed away from the people, that was set in the place.
14Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, Lo! thou art made whole; now do not thou do sin [or now do not thou sin], lest any worse thing befall to thee.
15That man went, and told to the Jews, that it was Jesus that made him whole.
16Therefore the Jews pursued Jesus, for he did this thing in the sabbath.
17And Jesus answered to them, My Father worketh till now, and I work.
18Therefore the Jews sought more to slay him, for not only he brake the sabbath, but he said that God was his Father, and made him even to God.
19Therefore Jesus answered, and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son may not of himself do anything, but that thing that he seeth the Father doing; for whatever things he doeth, the Son doeth in like manner those things.
20For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth to him all things that he doeth; and he shall show to him greater works than these, that ye wonder.
21For as the Father raiseth dead men, and quickeneth, so the Son quickeneth whom he will.
22For neither the Father judgeth any man, but hath given every doom to the Son,
23that all men honour the Son, as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father that sent him.
24Truly, truly, I say to you, that he that heareth my word, and believeth in him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and he cometh not into doom, but passeth from death into life.
25Truly, truly, I say to you, for the hour cometh, and now it is, when dead men shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear, shall live.
26For as the Father hath life in him-self, so he gave to the Son, to have life in himself;
27and he gave to him power to make doom, for he is man’s Son.
28Do not ye wonder in this, for the hour cometh, in which all men that be in burials, shall hear the voice of God’s Son.
29And they that have done good things, shall go into again-rising of life; but they that have done evil things, into again-rising of doom.
30I may nothing do of myself, but as I hear, I deem, [or I may not of myself do anything, but as I hear, I judge], and my doom is just, for I seek not my will, but the will of the Father that sent me.
31If I bear witnessing of myself, my witnessing is not true;
32another is that beareth witnessing of me, and I know that his witnessing is true, that he beareth of me.
33Ye sent to John, and he bare witnessing to [the] truth.
34But I take not witnessing of man; but I say these things, that ye be safe.
35He was a lantern burning and shining, [or giving light]; but ye would glad, or joy, at an hour in his light.
36But I have more witnessing than John, for the works that my Father gave to me to perform them [or the works that my Father gave me that I perform them], those works that I do bear wit-nessing of me, that the Father sent me.
37And the Father that sent me, he bare witnessing of me. Neither ye heard ever his voice, neither ye saw his likeness, [or form].
38And ye have not his word dwelling in you; for ye believe not to him, whom he sent.
39Seek ye the scriptures, in which ye guess to have everlasting life; and those it be, that bear witnessing of me.
40And ye will not come to me, that ye have life.
41I take not clearness of men;
42but I have known you, that ye have not the love of God in you.
43I came in the name of my Father, and ye took not me. If another come in his own name, ye shall receive him.
44How may ye believe, that receive glory each of other, and ye seek not the glory that is of God alone?
45Do not ye guess, that I am to accuse you with the Father; it is Moses that accuseth you, in whom ye hope.
46For if ye believed to Moses, peradventure ye should believe also to me; for he wrote of me.
47But if ye believe not to his letters, how shall ye believe to my words?
Trenutno izabrano:
John 5: WBMS

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Wycliffe’s Bible with Modern Spelling ©2017
Wycliffe’s Apocrypha ©2013, 2015
Wycliffe’s Bible © 2012, 2015
Wycliffe’s New Testament ©2001, 2011
Wycliffe’s Old Testament ©2001, 2010
John 5
1After these things there was a feast day of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
2And in Jerusalem is a washing place, that in Hebrew is called Bethesda, and hath five porches. [Forsooth at Jerusalem is a standing water of beasts, that in Hebrew is called Bethesda, having five little gates, or entries.]
3In these lay a great multitude of sick men, blind, crooked, and dry, abiding the moving [or the stirring] of the water.
4For the angel of the Lord came down certain times into the [standing] water, and the water was moved; and he that first came down into the cistern, after the moving of the water, was made whole of whatever sickness he was held.
5And a man was there, having eight and thirty years in his sickness.
6And when Jesus had seen him lying, and had known, that he had much time, he saith to him, Wilt thou be made whole?
7The sick man answered to him, Lord, I have no man, that when the water is moved [or troubled], to put me into the cistern; for while I come, another goeth down before me.
8Jesus saith to him, Rise up, take thy bed, and go.
9And anon the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and went forth. And it was sabbath in that day.
10Therefore the Jews said to him that was made whole, It is sabbath, it is not leaveful to thee, to take away thy bed.
11He answered to them, He that made me whole, said to me, Take thy bed, and go.
12Therefore they asked him, What man is that [or Who is that man], that said to thee, Take up thy bed, and go?
13But he that was made whole, wist not who it was. And Jesus bowed away from the people, that was set in the place.
14Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, Lo! thou art made whole; now do not thou do sin [or now do not thou sin], lest any worse thing befall to thee.
15That man went, and told to the Jews, that it was Jesus that made him whole.
16Therefore the Jews pursued Jesus, for he did this thing in the sabbath.
17And Jesus answered to them, My Father worketh till now, and I work.
18Therefore the Jews sought more to slay him, for not only he brake the sabbath, but he said that God was his Father, and made him even to God.
19Therefore Jesus answered, and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son may not of himself do anything, but that thing that he seeth the Father doing; for whatever things he doeth, the Son doeth in like manner those things.
20For the Father loveth the Son, and showeth to him all things that he doeth; and he shall show to him greater works than these, that ye wonder.
21For as the Father raiseth dead men, and quickeneth, so the Son quickeneth whom he will.
22For neither the Father judgeth any man, but hath given every doom to the Son,
23that all men honour the Son, as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father that sent him.
24Truly, truly, I say to you, that he that heareth my word, and believeth in him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and he cometh not into doom, but passeth from death into life.
25Truly, truly, I say to you, for the hour cometh, and now it is, when dead men shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear, shall live.
26For as the Father hath life in him-self, so he gave to the Son, to have life in himself;
27and he gave to him power to make doom, for he is man’s Son.
28Do not ye wonder in this, for the hour cometh, in which all men that be in burials, shall hear the voice of God’s Son.
29And they that have done good things, shall go into again-rising of life; but they that have done evil things, into again-rising of doom.
30I may nothing do of myself, but as I hear, I deem, [or I may not of myself do anything, but as I hear, I judge], and my doom is just, for I seek not my will, but the will of the Father that sent me.
31If I bear witnessing of myself, my witnessing is not true;
32another is that beareth witnessing of me, and I know that his witnessing is true, that he beareth of me.
33Ye sent to John, and he bare witnessing to [the] truth.
34But I take not witnessing of man; but I say these things, that ye be safe.
35He was a lantern burning and shining, [or giving light]; but ye would glad, or joy, at an hour in his light.
36But I have more witnessing than John, for the works that my Father gave to me to perform them [or the works that my Father gave me that I perform them], those works that I do bear wit-nessing of me, that the Father sent me.
37And the Father that sent me, he bare witnessing of me. Neither ye heard ever his voice, neither ye saw his likeness, [or form].
38And ye have not his word dwelling in you; for ye believe not to him, whom he sent.
39Seek ye the scriptures, in which ye guess to have everlasting life; and those it be, that bear witnessing of me.
40And ye will not come to me, that ye have life.
41I take not clearness of men;
42but I have known you, that ye have not the love of God in you.
43I came in the name of my Father, and ye took not me. If another come in his own name, ye shall receive him.
44How may ye believe, that receive glory each of other, and ye seek not the glory that is of God alone?
45Do not ye guess, that I am to accuse you with the Father; it is Moses that accuseth you, in whom ye hope.
46For if ye believed to Moses, peradventure ye should believe also to me; for he wrote of me.
47But if ye believe not to his letters, how shall ye believe to my words?
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Wycliffe’s Bible with Modern Spelling ©2017
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