Matthew 4:4
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
But he, answerin till him, said, “No allenarlie on breid leeves man, but by ilk word oʼ Godʼs mooth!”
Matthew 4:4 keşfedin
Matthew 4:10
Than quoʼ Jesus till him, “Awa, Sautan! for it is putten‐doon, ‘The Lord yere God sal ye worship; and him alane sal ye serʼ!’ ”
Matthew 4:10 keşfedin
Matthew 4:7
Quoʼ Jesus till him, “Ance mair it is putten‐doon, ‘Ye sanna temp the Lord yere God!’ ”
Matthew 4:7 keşfedin
Matthew 4:1-2
Than was Jesus airtit by the Spirit intil the wilderness, thar to be testit oʼ the Enemy. And whan he had fastit for forty days and nichts, he was spent wiʼ hunger.
Matthew 4:1-2 keşfedin
Matthew 4:19-20
And quoʼ he to them, “Follow ye me! and Iʼse mak ye fishers oʼ men!” And they, withoot ado, left the nets, and gaed eftir him.
Matthew 4:19-20 keşfedin
Matthew 4:17
Frae that time forth begude Jesus to preach; and quoʼ he, “Repent ye! for Heevenʼs kingdom draws nar‐haun!”
Matthew 4:17 keşfedin
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