John 1:12
Young's Literal Translation 1898
but as many as did receive him to them he gave authority to become sons of God — to those believing in his name
John 1:12 keşfedin
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
John 1:1 keşfedin
John 1:5
and the light in the darkness did shine, and the darkness did not perceive it.
John 1:5 keşfedin
John 1:14
And the Word became flesh, and did tabernacle among us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of an only begotten of a father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14 keşfedin
John 1:3-4
all things through him did happen, and without him happened not even one thing that hath happened. In him was life, and the life was the light of men
John 1:3-4 keşfedin
John 1:29
on the morrow John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, ‘Lo, the Lamb of God, who is taking away the sin of the world
John 1:29 keşfedin
John 1:10-11
in the world he was, and the world through him was made, and the world did not know him: to his own things he came, and his own people did not receive him
John 1:10-11 keşfedin
John 1:9
He was the true Light, which doth enlighten every man, coming to the world
John 1:9 keşfedin
John 1:17
for the law through Moses was given, the grace and the truth through Jesus Christ did come
John 1:17 keşfedin
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