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Da Peopo Do Wat Dey Not Suppose To Do
1 # JShow 12:9; 20:2 Dat time, from all da wild animals dat God, Da One In Charge, make, da snake was da mos smart an sneaky one. One time, da snake tell da wahine, “Eh! You tink fo real, God wen tell you guys dat from all da trees ova hea inside dis place, get trees dat you no can eat da fruits from dem, o wat?”
2Da wahine tell da snake, “Nah, he neva tell dat. Can eat da fruits from all da trees inside dis place. 3Ony get da one tree ova dea inside da middo, dat God tell us, ‘No even eat um, an no touch um! No good bumbye you guys goin mahke inside, az why.’ ”
4Da snake tell, “No way! You guys no goin mahke inside from dat! 5But God ony tell dat, cuz he know, da same time you guys go eat da fruit from dat tree, jalike yoa eyes goin come open an you goin undastan stuff. You guys goin come jalike God! You goin undastan wass good an wass bad!”
6Da wahine wen look da tree an tink da tree look real good fo get food. She eye up da fruit, an tink, “Ho! Nice looking, da tree! If I take some a da fruits an eat um, I goin come smart an can undastan any kine!” Den she take some a da fruits an eat um. She give um to her husban too, an he eat um wit her.
7Right den an dea, dey undastan, jalike dea eyes come open. Dey know dat dey stay naked, an dey go get plenny fig leaf an sew um togedda fo make someting fo cova da middo.
God Know Wat Dey Wen Do
8Dat day, wen da sun goin go down an da wind start fo blow, da guy an his wife hear one noise. Was God, Da One In Charge! He stay walk aroun inside da place wea he plant da trees. Dey go hide behind da trees inside dea fo God, Da One In Charge, no see um. 9God call loud fo da guy hear um. He tell, “Hui! Adam! Wea you stay?” 10Da guy tell, “I wen hear you, ova dea inside dis place. I sked, cuz I naked! Az how come I go hide.”
11God tell um, “Who wen tell you you stay naked? You wen eat da fruits from da tree, da one I wen tell you fo no eat, o wat?!”
12Da guy tell, “Yeah, was da wahine, az how come. Da same one you put hea fo stay wit me fo kokua me! Her wen give me some fruit from dat tree an I wen eat um.”
13 # 2Cor 11:3; 1Tim 2:14 God, Da One In Charge, tell da wahine, “Eh! Wat you wen do, aah?!”
Da wahine tell um, “Was da snake! Da buggah wen go trick me! Az how come I wen eat da fruit!”
God Punish Da Snake
14Den God, Da One In Charge, tell da snake dis:
“Eh! Cuz you wen do dat,
I goin make bad tings happen to you.
No mo anodda animal dat I goin make bad tings happen to dem,
Da way goin happen to you!
From now till you mahke,
You goin crawl on top yoa belly
Wit yoa face in da dirt!
15 # JShow 12:17 From now on, you an da wahine,
I goin make you guys stay agains each odda.
Yoa kids an her kids,
Dey goin stay agains each odda too.
One a dem goin wack yoa head,
An you goin bite him on da heel a his feet!”
God Punish Da Wahine
16Den God tell da wahine dis:
“You! Wen you born kids,
I goin make um so you hurt plenny wen you born um.
Goin come real sore fo born kids!
Still yet, you goin like stay wit yoa husban,
An him, he goin be in charge a you.”
God Punish Da Guy
17 # Heb 6:8 God tell da guy Adam dis: “You, you wen do wat yoa wife tell you fo do, an not how I tell you fo do. You wen eat da fruit from dat tree, no matta I wen tell you befo time, no eat um.
“Cuz a wat you wen do,
I goin make da land hard fo grow stuff!
From now, till you mahke,
You goin bus ass fo get stuff fo eat!
18Wen you plant seed, da land goin grow weeds an thorns fo you too.
Still yet, you goin eat da kine food dat grow inside da fields.
19You gotta bus ass an sweat
Fo get enuff food outa da groun,
An afta, you goin go back to da dirt
Cuz I wen make you outa da dirt.
You come from dirt,
An you goin come dirt one mo time.”
20Da guy Adam give his wife da name Eve. Dat soun kinda like “Life,” Hebrew language, an she da firs muddah fo all da peopo dat eva live. 21An anodda ting God, Da One In Charge, do: he use animal skin fo make clotheses fo Adam an Eve his wife, an give um to dem.
God Throw Out Adam An Eve From Da Place He Wen Make
22 # JShow 22:14 Den God, Da One In Charge, talk lidis: “So, wat you tink? Da peopo wen come jalike us awready. Dey undastan wass good an wass bad. So now, no good we let um take da fruits from Da Tree Dat Make You Live Foeva, an eat um. Cuz if dey do dat, dey goin live foeva, az why!” 23Dass why God, Da One In Charge, throw dem outa Eden, da place he wen plant da trees. God make dem go work da same dirt dat he wen use fo make um firs time. 24Afta God throw um out, he put spesho angels watcha tings dat stay alive ova dea on da east side a da place he wen plan, Eden side. He put one sword dea too, wit fire dat come out, an dat move all aroun fo nobody go nea da Tree Dat Make You Live Foeva.

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