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Luke 8

Jesus Calms a Storm
22One day Jesus jelled into a boat
with his mushes,
and rokkered to them,
“Let's jell over the pani.”
So they atched out across the pani.
23While the boat was jelling
over the pani,
Jesus fell a-suty.
A bori wind kurred down on the pani,
and the pani got into the boat,
trashing them half to death.
24So the mushes jelled to Jesus
and atched him up, rokkering,
“Raia, Raia, we're all
about to be mullered!”
Jesus stood up
and pukkered the wind
and the storm-pani,
“Kakka, Kakka, besh alay.”
And all the godeli stopped,
and the storm quietened down.
25Then Jesus pukkered
to his mushes,
“Didn't you jin mi-Duvvel
would look after you?”
But they were amazed
and trashed and rokkered
to each other,
“Who is this rai?
He pukkers the wind and the pani
what to do,
and they ker what he rokkers them.”

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Luke 8: ARKL

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