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跨越Pray 2
神正在等候,要對你的心說話,在生活中,祂會透過意念、圖像、異夢或是重複聽到的話語來啟示你,這些都是祂要對你表達愛和祝福的訊息。邀請你每天固定花一段專屬於你和祂的時間,透過每週的主題、專屬設計的start up,記錄你與神之間彼此相愛的證據,期待你領受祂要給你的祝福!
What Is True Love?
12 Days
Everyone wants to know what true love is. But few people look at what the Bible says about love. Love is one of the central themes of Scripture and the most essential virtue of the Christian life. This plan from Thistlebend Ministries explores the biblical meaning of love and how to love God better and love others.