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5 天
每年,全球都有數百萬人慶祝聖誕節。但這一切意味著什麼呢?我們真的了解耶穌降生的深遠意義和真實性嗎? 著名牧師、作家和神學家大衛·耶利米博士引用了舊約和新約, 為人類歷史上最關鍵的時刻——耶穌基督的降生——提供了最發人深省的問題的答案。
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6 天
Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna Light
7 Days
You know God offers you a more abundant life than the one you're living, but the sad truth is comparison holds you back from going to the next level. In this reading plan Anna Light uncovers insights that will shatter the lid comparison puts on your capabilities, and help you live the free and abundant life God designed for you.
The Final Lessons: A Holy Week Plan
10 Days
Let’s slow down this Holy Week and learn from Christ’s final days on earth. Each day we will receive lessons or gifts that He took the time to give. Do you need a fresh reminder of what mattered most to Christ—that you love His people and follow Him? What could He want to teach you this Holy Week?
Hearing From God Each Morning
14 Days
In today's world we're surrounded by noise. We become overwhelmed by the voices around us - our children, friends, spouse, even ourselves. Distracted by these sounds, we soon forget how to listen to the most important voice of all - God's voice. This devotional offers short, empowering reminders that will inspire and help you to make time with God your top priority, develop a passion for daily time with Him, understand His responses to your prayers, and maintain your relationships while spending more personal time with God. Start your day with someone who not only loves you more than you can imagine but also has all the answers you'll ever need!