與 路加福音 15:12 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Why Does God Love Me?
5 Days
Questions: When it comes to God, we all have them. Given our comparison-driven culture, one of the most personal questions we may find ourselves asking is, “Why does God love me?” Or maybe even, “How could He?” Over the course of this plan, you’ll engage with a total of 26 Scripture passages—each one speaking the truth of God’s unconditional love for you.
Prodigal Son Transformation With Kyle Idleman
7 Days
Taken from his book "AHA," join Kyle Idleman as he discovers the 3 elements that can draw us closer to God and change our lives for good. Are you ready for the God moment that changes everything?
健康教會DNA - (一)面向外邦
教會人數眾多不一定就是真正的成功,唯有教會健康才是最重要。健康的教會,一定要能建造許多健康生命質素(DNA),並使這些健康教會的DNA能繼續建立和傳承下去,以在質和量上不斷成長。 健康教會DNA,無非是:面向外邦、不怕困難、對神有積極的信心、帶出最好、築夢踏實、人人參與、滿有動力。盼望我們皆能共同建立健康、榮耀的教會,使教會能世世代代都行在神的心意中! 此讀經計劃截取自王天佑牧師著作的『健康教會DNA』。