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與 路加福音 22:42 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Prayers of Jesus
5 Days
We recognize the importance of communication in relationships, and our relationship with God is no exception. God longs for us to communicate with him in prayer—a discipline that even His Son, Jesus, practiced. In this plan, you’ll learn from Jesus’ example, and you’ll be challenged to step out of the traffic of life and experience for yourself the strength and guidance prayer provides.
緊緊抓住舒適,會讓我們失去什麼?我們若僅僅禱告求上帝保佑我們遠離試煉,那便是在剝奪自己將來成熟的機會。這個為期7天的讀經計畫是配合克雷‧葛羅雪(Craig Groeschel)牧師的書《危險的禱告》,我們將獲得做危險禱告的勇氣,放膽走上舒適圈外的道路,去到更美的目的地。