與 馬太福音 28:19 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
What's Next: Student Edition
7 Days
This 7-day foundational plan helps you explore God’s Word to discover who God is and who He has made you to be.
Six Steps To Your Best Leadership
7 Days
Ready to grow as a leader? Craig Groeschel unpacks six biblical steps anyone can take to become a better leader. Discover a discipline to start, courage to stop, a person to empower, a system to create, a relationship to initiate, and the risk you need to take.
7 Days
Feed’s Catechism is a series of questions and answers that allow individuals to explore Scripture and discover the story of God. It was written by a diverse team of theologians and church ministers and informed by the great catechisms of history. This is part five of nine in the Feed Catechism series: Creation, Fall, Covenant + Law, Incarnation, Redemption, Grace + Forgiveness, The Holy Spirit, The Church and New Creation.
您是否時常因為聖經太厚,讀不完? 聽講道的時候,因為牧師提到的背景資訊不熟悉,而聽不懂講道呢? 其實,整本聖經是一個關於救恩的大故事,而這個大故事大致可以透過16個小故事,來明白上帝對於這個世界和人類的救恩計畫。 若是您從沒有讀完過整本聖經,藉由這個讀經計畫,可以讓您對整本聖經的背景資訊和中心主旨,有初步的認識,使您聽講道時可以更有概念。若是您讀過整本聖經,這個讀經計畫能夠幫助您用更宏觀的眼光,來明白上帝在整個救恩計畫的心意。
Jesus Is Life
25 Days
We truly can experience the abundant, full life that Jesus gives! Our goal for Jesus Is Life is to grow deeper in our faith, trust, and love for Christ Jesus, our Savior. In this 25-day Bible Plan from Amy Groeschel and Life.Church Sisters, we’ll explore the first four chapters in the book of John to discover that Jesus is life—and that truth changes everything.