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與 詩篇 139:15 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
你或所愛的人面對抑鬱症、焦慮和心理健康的問題時,要從哪裡獲得幫助呢?神的話語將盼望帶 入最黑暗的絕望之中,史黛西和道格要跟大家分享,神使用哪些鼓勵和經文帶領他們度過在心理 疾病旅程中所遭遇的最艱困的日子。你在使用這個計劃時,願你發現神為那些面臨掙扎的人所預 備的恩典、愛、盼望和喜樂!
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
6 Days
The Holy Spirit is God living inside of you, speaking into your thoughts and leading you closer to Him. He’s always encouraging you to not only do the right thing but also the God thing. He’s there to help you make choices and take actions that will change your life. Dive into this practical journey to understand who He is and why you can’t live a godly life without Him.