Mattityahu 10:16
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
look, I send you (PL) like sheep among wolves. be then wise as the snakes, and without falseness as the doves.
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Mattityahu 10:39
who it finds his life, this one will it lose; and who it loses his life for my sake, this one will it find.
Mattityahu 10:28
and be afraid self not before the (ones), who kill the body, however have not any power to kill the soul; thus shall you (PL) yourselves have fear before the one, who is able to destroy both the soul and the body in Gehenna.
Mattityahu 10:38
and who it takes not his tree, and follows me after, is me not worthy.
Mattityahu 10:32-33
whoever then it will me confess do before the people, will I the one also confess do before my Father, who is in heaven. who however it will me deny before the people, will I the one also deny before my Father, who is in heaven.
Mattityahu 10:8
heal the sick, wake up the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive away the evil spirits! freely have you (PL) received, freely shall you (PL) give!
Mattityahu 10:31
therefore shall you (PL) not fear have; you (PL) are worth more than a many birds.
Mattityahu 10:34
you (PL) should not think, that I am come, so as to bring peace on the earth. I am not come to bring peace, but a sword.
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