John 6
Fyve thoosanʼ hungʼry anes gat breid; but Jesus coudna perswad them that their souls war hungʼry.
1Syne aʼ thae things war by, Jesus gaed ower till the ither side oʼ the Loch oʼ Galilee, caʼd the Loch oʼ Tiberias.
2And great thrangs cam eftir him, for that they saw the ferlies he wrocht on sick folk.
3And Jesus gaed up intil a mountain, and sat doon thar amang his disciples.
4And the Pasche was nar‐haun, a Feast oʼ the Jews.
5When Jesus had liftit up his een, and had seen sic a great company come till him, he says to Philip, “Hoo sal we buy breid, that aʼ thae may eat?”
6And this he said to try him: for he kent his sel what he wad do.
7Quoʼ Philip, “Twa hunder siller pennies in breid wadna be eneuch for them aʼ, that ilka ane soud hae a wee.”
8And ane oʼ the disciples, Andro, Simon Peterʼs brither, says to him,
9“Tharʼs a callant here, wha has fyve barley‐bannocks, and twa wee speldrins; but what wad thae be amang sae mony?”
10Quoʼ Jesus, “Mak the men sit doon!” Noo thar was a rowth oʼ geras iʼ the place. Sae the men sat aʼ doon, aboot fyve thoosand oʼ them.
11And Jesus took the bannocks, and whan he had gien thanks, he gied to the disciples, and the disciples to them that war sutten doon; and eke oʼ the speldrins, as mickle as they wad.
12Whan they war aʼ satisfyʼt, quoʼ he to his disciples, “Gaither up the mools and bits that are ower, sae that thar be naething wastit.”
13Sae they gatherʼt them up, and filled twa creels wiʼ the broken bits oʼ the fyve barley‐bannocks, remainin ower to them wha had eaten.
14Than thae men, whan they had seen the ferlie wrocht by Jesus, cryʼt aʼ, “This is, oʼ a certaintie, yon Prophet that was to come intil the warld!”
15Whan Jesus kent that they wad come, and tak him wiʼ the strang haun to mak him a King, he withdrew again intil a mountain, by his sel alane.
16And whan the gloamin was come, his disciples gaed doon till the loch,
17And enterʼt intil a smack, and gaed ower the loch, airtin for Capernaum. And it was noo mirk, and Jesus wasna come to them.
18And the sea raise wiʼ a great wunʼ blawin.
19And whan they had rowʼt thrie or fowr mile, they see Jesus walkin on the loch, and comin nar‐haun till the smack; and they war frichtenʼt.
20And he spak up to them, “It is I! be‐na frichtenʼt!”
21Than they war fain to receive him intil the boat; and belyve the boat was to land, whaur they had airtit.
22The day eftir, when the folk staunin on the ither shore saw thar was nae boat thar‐aboot but the ane the disciples gaed intil, and that Jesus gaed‐na wiʼ them intil the smack, but that the disciples had gane awa by their sels:—
23(Hoosever thar cam ither boats frae Tiberias, nar‐haun the bit whaur they had breid, eftir that the Lord had gied thanks:)
24The folk tharfor, seein that naither Jesus nor his disciples war thar‐aboots, took boat, and cam till Capernaum seekin for Jesus.
25And whan they had fund him on the ither side oʼ the sea, quoʼ they to him, “Rabbi, whan cam ye here?”
26Jesus answerʼt them, and quoʼ he, “Truly, truly say I tʼye, ye seek me, no sae muckle that ye saw wunner‐warks, but that ye did eat oʼ the bannocks, and filled yersels.
27“Seek‐na for perishin meat, but for that meat that bides until Eternal Life, whilk the Son oʼ Man sal gie ye: for him has the Faither, eʼen God, sealed.”
28Quoʼ they to him, “And what maun we do, to work the warks oʼ God?”
29Jesus answerʼt them and said, “This is Godʼs wark, that ye lippen on him God has sent.”
30Syne they said to him, “What ferlie div ye schaw, that we could see and lippen? What div ye?
31“Oor forbears did eat manna iʼ the waste; as it is putten doon, ‘He gied them breid oot oʼ Heeven to eat.’ ”
32Than said Jesus to them, “Truly, truly say I tʼye, It wasna Moses gied ye the breid oot oʼ Heeven; but my Faither he gies ye the raal Breid frae Heeven!
33“For Godʼs Breid is he wha comes doon oot oʼ Heeven, and gies Life to the warld.”
34Than said they to him, “Lord! aye gie us sic breid!”
35Quoʼ Jesus to them, “I am the Breid oʼ Life! wha come to me sal hungʼer nae mair: and wha lippens on me sal be drouthie nevir!
36“But say I tʼye, ye hae seen me, and yet ye believe‐na.
37“They aʼ come to me that the Faither gies me; and wha comes to me, nevir in onygate wull I caʼ him awaʼ!
38“For I hae come doon frae Heeven, no to do the wull oʼ my ain, but the wull oʼ him that sent me.
39“And here is the Faitherʼs wull wha sent me:— That oot oʼ aʼ he has gien me I soud tine nane, but soud raise aʼ up again at the Last Day.
40“And this is his wull wha sent me:— That ilk ane seein the Son, and lippenin on him, may win Life for Aye; and I sal raise him up at the Last Day.”
41Than the Jews yammerʼt at him, for that he said to them, “I am the Breid that cam doon frae Heeven.”
42Quoʼ they, “Isna this Jesus, Josephʼs son? Hoo isʼt than that he says he cam doon frae Heeven?”
43Sae Jesus answerʼt them, and quoʼ he, “Cavil‐na amang yersels.
44“Nae man comes to me, gin the #6:44 It isna that some men are nevir drawn oʼ the Faither; but raither that (as the Jews aʼ profess to believe iʼ the Faither) they war to believe that thae that cam to Christ, cam wiʼ the gude‐wull and drawin oʼ the Faither.Faither wha sent me dinna draw him: and I wull raise him again at the Last Day.
45“The Prophets pat doon, ‘And God sal teach them aʼ.’ And sae ilk man wha hears, and has taen in the lear oʼ the Faither, comes to me.
46“No that ony man has eʼer set een on the Faither, only he wha is oʼ God — He has seen the Faither!
47“Truly, truly say I tʼye, Wha believes me has Life for Aye!
48“That Breid oʼ Life am I!
49“Yere forebears did eat manna iʼ the wilderness, and deeʼt.
50“But here is the Breid that cam doon frae Heeven, that a man may eat oʼ it, and no dee!
51“The Leevin Breid that cam doon frae Heeven is mysel; gin ony man eat this Breid, he leeves for Aye: and the breid I sal gie is my flesh, that I wull gie for the warldʼs life.”
52But the Jews had an unco bruilzie anent it, amang theirsels, and cryʼt oot, “Hoo can this man gie us his #6:52 The Jews schawed an unco want oʼ thocht, in no seein at ance that “the flesh” and “the blude” was a parable. In place oʼ speirin the meanin oʼt, they focht again it. The warld is sweir to own its dourness.flesh to eat?”
53Than quoʼ Jesus to them, “Truly, truly say I tʼye, Gin ye eat‐na the flesh oʼ the Son oʼ Man, and drink his blude, thar is nae Life in ye!
54“Wha eats my flesh, and drinks my blude, wins Life Eternal; and him wull I raise again at the Last Day.
55“For my flesh is vera meat, and my blude is vera drink.
56“And wha eats my flesh and drinks my blude, bides in me, and I in him.
57“Eʼen as the Evir‐leevin Faither sends me, and I leeve by him, sae he wha eats oʼ me, sal eʼen leeve by me!
58“This is eʼen the Breid that cam doon frae Heeven; no like as yere forebears wha did eat manna, and deeʼt: wha eats oʼ this Breid leeves for aye!”
59Thir things said he iʼ the Synagogue, teachin in Capernaum.
60But a hantle oʼ his followers, whan they heard that, said: “Thae things are unco hard; wha can bide tae listen till them?”
61Jesus, kennin in himsel what his followers war mutterin aboot it, says to them, “Are ye angerʼt at this?
62“What, than, gin ye see the Son oʼ Man gang awa up whaur he was afore?
63“The Spirit gies folk life: the flesh is nae profit: my words that I gie ye are spirit and are life.
64“But thar are some oʼ ye wha dinna lippen me.” For Jesus kent frae the vera first wha was unbelievin, and wha wad betray him.
65And quoʼ he, “Sae it was I said tʼye, that nae man comes to me gin it warna gien him oʼ my Faither.”
66Frae that time oot, a hantle oʼ his followers reistit on him, and gaed nae mair wiʼ him.
67Than quoʼ Jesus to the Twalʼ, “Are ye gaun awa, too?”
68Quoʼ Simon Peter, “Wham soud we gang till? It is ye wha hae the words oʼ Eternal Life!
69“And we lippen and ken that ye are The Anointit Ane, the Son oʼ the Leevin God!”
70But quoʼ Jesus, “Hae I no waled oot ye twalʼ, and yet ane is a deevil?”
71He spak oʼ Judas Iscariot, Simonʼs son; for he it was that wad betray him, bein ane oʼ the Twalʼ.
المحددات الحالية:
John 6: SCO1904
تمييز النص

هل تريد حفظ أبرز أعمالك على جميع أجهزتك؟ قم بالتسجيل أو تسجيل الدخول
Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.