Sealm 9
Sealm IX [9:1-19]
On ðam nigoðan sealme Dauid hine gebæd to Drihtne, and him þancode þæt his sunu and eac oðre fynd him ne mihton eall þæt yfel don þæt hi him geteohod hæfdon; and on þa ylcan gerad hine singð ælc rihtwis mann be his sylfes feondum; and be þam ylcan hine sang Crist, þa Iudeas hine woldan don mare yfel ðonne hig mihton; and swa dyde eac Ezechias, ða his fynd hine ne meahton ateon swa hy woldon.
1Ic andete Drihtne on ealre minre heortan.
And ic bodige ealle ðine wundra,
2and ic blissige and fægnige and herige þinne naman,
ðu hea God,
3for ðam þu gehwyrfdest mine fynd underbæc,
and hi wæron geuntrumode and forwurdon beforan ðinre ansyne;
4for ðam þu demst minne dom and mine spræce,
and eall for me dydest þæt ic don sceolde.
Ðu sitst on ðam hean setle,
þu ðe symle demst swiðe rihte.
5Ðu ðreast and bregst þa ðeoda þe us ðreatigað,
and ða unrihtwisan forweorðað;
and ðu adilgas heora naman on woruld a woruld.
6Seo redelse and þæt geþeaht urra feonda geteorode,
ða hi hit endian sceoldan,
and heora byrig þu towurpe ealla.
And heora gemynd onweg gewat mid þam myclan hlisan,
7and Drihten þurhwunað on ecnesse.
And he gearwað his domsetl,
8and he demð ealre eorþan swyðe emne.
He demð folcum mid rihte;
9he ys geworden friðstow ðearfendra.
And gefultumend þu eart, Drihten, æt ælcere ðearfe.
10For ðy hopiað to þe ealle þa ðe witan þinne naman,
for ðam þu ne forlætst nanne þara þe ðe secð.
11Heriað for ði Drihten, þone ðe eardað on Sion,
and bodiað betweoh folcum his wundru,
12for ðam he nis na ofergeotol þara gebeda his þearfena,
ac he is swyþe gemyndig heora blod to wrecanne.
13Gemiltsa me, Drihten, and geseoh mine eaðmetto (hu earmne me habbað gedon mine fynd),
for ðam þu eart se ylca God þe me uppahofe fram deaðes gatum,
14to þam þæt ic bodade eall þin lof
on ðam geatum þære burge Hierusalem.
Ic fægnie on þinre hælo ðe þu me sylest;
15and ða ðeoda þe min ehtað syn afæstnode on ðam ylcan earfoðum þe hi me geteohhod hæfdon;
and heora fet synt gefangene mid þy ilcan gryne þe hi me gehyd and gehealden hæfdon.
16For þam byð Drihten cuð on his rihtum domum,
and on his handgeweorce byð gefangen se synfulla;
17and þa unrihtwisan beoð gehwyrfede to helle
and ælc folc þæra ðe God forgyt;
18for þam God ne forgyt his ðearfan oð heora ende,
ne heora geþyld ne forweorð oþ ende.
19Aris, Drihten, þy læs se yfelwillenda mæge don þæt he wille,
and gedo þæt eallum folcum sy gedemed beforan ðe.
20Gesete, Drihten, ofer hy sumne anwald
þæt hig gelære þæt hy witon þæt hi men synt.
Цяпер абрана:
Sealm 9: ASPsa

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The first 50 psalms are credited to King Alfred the Great and were written in c.890-899 AD, and the last 100 psalms were translated c.900-950 AD by an unknown poet.