Luik 20
Tables turnt on tha Pharisees
1On yin o thaim days, as Jesus wus lairnin tha fowk that wur ïn tha Hoose o God, an praichin tha Guid News, tha heid preeshts, tha maistèrs o tha Laa, an tha eldèrs amang tha fowk cum up tae hïm 2an saed, “Tell iz thïs, bi whut thortie ir ye daein these thïngs, an wha gien ye ït?” 3An he cum bak wi, “A hae a question tae ax you as weel. Jist tell me thïs, 4Jhone's baptisin, wus ït frae heiven, or wus ït jist a notion o man?” 5An the' taakt aboot ït tae yin anither, an saed, “If we gie tha answer, ‘Frae heiven’, he wull say, ‘Hoo cum yis dïdnae believe hïm then?’ 6But ïf we say, ‘Frae men’, aa tha fowk wull clod iz wi stanes, fer the' hae nae doot that Jhone wus a proaphit!” 7Sae the' toul hïm that the' cudnae tell whar Jhone's baptisin haed cum frae. 8An Jesus saed tae thaim, “Then A'll no be tellin yis ether bi whut thortie A dae these thïngs!”
Tha parable o tha wïckit fairmers
9He turnt tae tha fowk an toul thaim thïs parable:
“Thair wus thïs man plantit a vineyaird an he set ït tae a wheen o tenant-fairmers tae rin, afore gaun awa fer a lang time tae anither kintrie. 10An whaniver hairst time cum roon, he sent a sarvin man tae tha fairmers, tae get a taste o tha fruit frae thaim, but the' bate up tha sarvin man an chaist hïm awa empie-hannit. 11Sae he sent anither sarvin man, but the' creesht hïm as weel, wur wile baad til hïm, an sent hïm awa wi naethin. 12Agane he sent anither yin oot, an the' hurt hïm an flung hïm oot tae. 13Then tha laird o tha vineyaird saed, ‘Whut wull A dae? A know, A'll senn ma ain sinn that A love. The' ir shair tae hae regaird fer hïm!’ 14But whaniver tha tenant-fairmers saen tha sinn, the' taakt ït ower an saed, ‘Thïs ïs tha boy that wull git aa thïs here whan hïs da dees. If we kïll hïm, aa thïs cud be oors!’ 15Sae the' püt hïm oot o tha vineyaird, an kïllt hïm.”
An Jesus axt, “Whut dae yis thïnk tha laird wull dae on thaim noo? 16A'll tell yis. He wull cum an desthroy thaim fairmers an set tha vineyaird tae ithers.”
Whan tha fowk lïstenin tae Jesus heerd thïs, the' saed, “Thïs shud niver cum aboot!” 17But Jesus lukt at thaim strecht ïn tha ee an axt, “Whut then ïs tha mainin o thïs Scrïpture:
‘Tha verie stane tha masons turnt doon
Is noo tha coarner stane’?
18Aa tha yins that faa ower thon stane wull be smesht tae bïts; an whaiver ït faas on wull be grun tae poodèr.”
Texes tae Caesar?
19Tha maistèrs o tha Laa an tha heid preeshts lukt fer a wye tae tak houl o hïm thair an then, fer the' kent he haed spauk agin thaim ïn thïs parable. But the' wur feart o whut tha fowk wud dae. 20Keepin a quare clase ee on hïm, the' sent yins that lut on the' wur honest, fer tae spie on hïm. The' wur hopin tae ketch hïm oot ïn sumthin he saed, fer the' wantit tae be able tae han hïm ower tae tha pooer o tha Roman Guviner. 21-22These yins that wur spiein on Jesus axt hïm, sayin, “Maistèr, ye taak an taich whut ïs richt. Ye dïnnae mak o yin mair ner tha ither, but ye taich God's wye an tha truith. Tell iz, ïs ït richt fer iz tae pye tex tae Caesar or no?” 23-24But Jesus saa throu thaim an he saed, “[Dïnnae try me oot.] Let me see a denarius.#20.23-24 siller Roman coin Noo, whase name an laikness ïs on ït?” 25“It's Caesar's,” the' saed. “Then gie Caesar whut belangs tae Caesar,” saed he, “an gie God whut belangs tae God.” 26That settelt thaim. The' wurnae able tae ketch hïm oot afore tha fowk fer whut he haed saed. An the' haed tae be quait, fer hïs answer flebbergestit thaim.
Tha Sadducees' question answert
27An sartin Sadducees - thaim that say thair ïsnae onie risin frae tha deid - the' cum an pit a question tae Jesus. 28“Maistèr,” the' saed, “Moses writ doon fer iz, that ïf a man's brither dees an leas a guidwife wi nae weans, then he maun merrie tha weeda an hae childèr fer hïs deid brither. 29Noo, whut ïf thair wus seiven brithers. Tha oulest gets merriet, an he dees wi'oot haein onie weans. 30Sae tha saicont brither, he merries tha weeda, an he dees as weel. Still nae weans. 31An tha thurd merries hir, an ïn tha same wye aa seiven brithers merries hir an dees, leain nae femlie ava. 32An ïn tha enn tha wumman, she deed as weel. 33Noo at tha risin frae tha deid, whase guidwife wull she be, fer she wus merriet on tha hale seiven o thaim?”
34Jesus cum bak wi thïs: “Men an weemen o thïs warl get merriet. 35But thaim that ir coontit fït tae be pairt o tha risin frae tha deid an tha nixt warl, thair wull be nae mair merryin fer thaim. 36The'll be laik tha angels an the' cannae dee; the' ir childèr o God an childèr o tha risin frae tha deid. 37But even Moses - whaniver he writ aboot tha burnin büsh - he showed that tha deid rises agane, fer he caas tha Loard ‘tha God o Abraham, an tha God o Isaac, an tha God o Jacob’, lang eftèr the' wur aa deid! 38He's no tha God o tha deid; he's tha God o tha leevin, fer iveriebodie's leevin ïn God's een.” 39An some o tha maistèrs o tha Laa saed, “Weel spauk, Maistèr!” 40But naebodie ava wud dar ax hïm onie mair questions.
41Then Jesus axt thaim, “Hoo can the' mak oot that tha Messiah#20.41 Greek: “Christ” ïs tha sinn o Davit? 42Fer Davit hissel says ïn tha buik o Psaums: ‘Tha Loard saed tae ma Loard, Sït doon at ma richt han, 43tae A mak o yer enemies a stool fer unnèr yer fit.’ 44Sae Davit caas tha Messiah ‘ma Loard’. Hoo can he be hïs sinn then?”
Jesus gies a warnin
45Whaniver aa tha fowk wus lïstenin, Jesus saed tae hïs follaers, 46“Dïnnae tak heed o tha maistèrs o tha Laa, fer the' ir fand o paradin aboot ïn fancie robes, an the' love fowk tae touch thair keps tae thaim ïn tha mairket places. The' laik tae hae tha best saits ïn tha Meetin Hooses, an tae be at tha tap table at faists. 47The' halp thairsels bi daein weeda weemen oot o aa the' hae. An the' mak lang screeds o prayers jist fer show. But yis can be shair ït wull gang waur wi thaim on tha Day o Reckonin.”
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Luik 20: USNT

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