John 5
chapter five
1after that was a Jewish Yom Tov, and Yehoshua is went up to Jerusalem.
2and in Jerusalem by the Gate of the Sheep is here a pool, which called in language holy Beth-Chesda, and has five colonades (walkways). 3in the these is lying a crowd of sick, the blind, lame, withered, (who were waiting, that the water shall self move; 4because from time to time used to come down a angel of the L-rd (G-d) in the pool into and move the water; therefore who it did go in the first after the movement of the water, this one is healthy become, of every sickness which he did just had.) 5and there was a man, who is sick was eight and thirty years long. 6when Yehoshua did see the this lying, and did self find out, that he lies already there a long time, says he to him: do you want healthy to become? 7has the sick (one) him answer: L-rd, I have not any people, me throw in in pool into, when the water is moved; but while I come, go an other down before me. 8says Yehoshua to him: stand up, take your bed and go. 9and immediately is the man healthy become, and did take his bed, and is walking about. and that day was a Sabbath.
10the Judaeans did therefore say to the cured (one): it is Sabbath, and you (SG) be allowed not to carry the bed. 11he however has them answered: the, who has me healthy made, did to me say: take your bed and go. 12did they him ask: who is the man, who did to you (SG) say: take and go? 13and the (one), who is healed become, did not know, who it is; because Yehoshua has self turned away, because it was a crowd of people at that place. 14later did Yehoshua him find in House HaMikdash, and to him said: look, you (SG) are healthy become; sin no longer, so that any worse shall you (SG) not happened. 15is the man went away, and did say to the Judaeans, that it is Yehoshua, who did him healthy made. 16and on account of that did the Judaeans persecute Yehoshua, because he had this done in Sabbath. 17Yehoshua however did them answer: my Father works until the present time, and I work also. 18therefore really did the Judaeans even more seek him to kill, because not only had he desecrating Sabbath was, but had said, that Hashem is his Father (Yeshayah 4, 2), making self equal to G-d.
19Yehoshua did therefore answer and said to them:
in truth, in truth tell I you (PL): the Son can of self himself nothing do, except that, which he sees the Father do; because what he does, that does also the Son on an likewise way. 20because the Father has love the Son, and shows him all, that He himself does; and greater deeds than the these will He him to show, so that you (PL) shall self wonder. 21because as the Father wakes up the dead and makes alive, so also makes the Son alive whom he wants. 22because the Father judges not anyone, but has turned over the entire judgment to the Son, 23so that all should give honor (to) the Son, as they give off honor (to) the Father. who it give not off honor (to) the Son, that (one) gives not up honor (to) the Father, who has him sent. 24in truth, in truth say I you (PL): who it hear my word, and believes in Him, who has me sent, that (one) has eternal life, and comes not to the judgment, but is already across from death into life into. 25in truth, in truth tell I you (PL): it comes on a hour, and is already, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of the Most High; and those, who hear it, will live. 26because as the Father has life in self alone, so has He also given the Son, to have life in self alone; 27also has He Him given authority to do judgment, because He is the Son of Man. 28wonder self not over that; because an hour comes on, in which all, who are in the graves, will hear His voice, 29and will come out; the (ones), who have done (deeds) good, to the resurrection of life; however the (ones), who have done (deeds) evil, to the resurrection of judgment.
30I can of me myself nothing do; as I hear, so judge I; and my judgment is righteous, because I seek not my will, but the will of the one Father, who did me send. 31if I tell witness about me alone, is my witness say not truth. 32an another is it (Hashem), who bears witness about me; and I know, that truthful is the witness say, which He says about me. 33you (PL) did send to John, and he has witness said about the truth. 34I however take not on the witness say of a man, but this tell I, so that you (PL) shall saved to be. 35he was the burning and shining light; and you (PL) have self want joyful do for an hour in his light. 36I however have this witness say, which is greater than John's; because the deeds, which the Father had me given, so that I shall them complete, these same deeds, which I do, say witness about me, that the Father has me sent. 37and the Father, who has me sent, did witness said about me. not did you (PL), when it is, heard his voice, not did you (PL) his see form. 38and his word have you (PL) not living in you (PL), because you (PL) believe not in the this one, whom he did send. 39you (PL) search (yet) in the scriptures (the Holy), because you (PL) think, that in them have you (PL) eternal life; and they are it, who say witness about me. 40and you (PL) want not come to me, so that you (PL) shall have life. 41honor of men take I not on. 42but I know you (PL), that you (PL) have not the love of Hashem in self. 43I am come in the Name of my Father, and you (PL) receive me not on; when an other will come in his own name, will you (PL) him indeed receive. 44how can you (PL) believe, you (PL), who take on honor one from the other, and the honor, which comes from the only G-d, seek you (PL) not? 45think not that I will you (PL) accuse do to the Father; your accuser is Moses, on whom you (PL) did hope. 46because would you (PL) believed Moses, would you (PL) also me believed, because he has written about me. 47if however you (PL) believe not his scriptures, how then will you (PL) believe my words? (Deuteronomy 18, 15)
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