Luke 21
chapter one and twenty
1and a glance doing, has he seen how the rich cast into their alms in the treasury. 2and has seen a certain destitute widow throw in there two small coins. 3and he has said: in truth tell I you (PL): the these poor widow has thrown more than all; 4because all the these have thrown to the alms from their excess; she however has from her need thrown in all, which she has had to live on.
5and when some have said about the house HaMikdash, that it is adorned with magnificent stones and with gifts, has he said: 6the these things, which you (PL) see, there will come days, in which there will here not left to be a stone on a stone, which will not thrown down to be! 7have they him asked, so to say: Rebbe, and when will this be? and what is the sign when this must to happen? 8and he has said: give attention, that you (PL) shall not misled to be; because a many will come in my Name, and say: I am it and the time has (come) near! you (PL) shall them not follow! 9when however you (PL) will hear of wars and turmoils, shall you (PL) self not fear, because this must before all happen; but the end is not soon.
10then has he said to them: a nation will rise against a nation, and a kingdom against a kingdom; 11there will be great earthquakes, and here and there famine and plagues; and terrible things and great signs from heaven will be. 12before that all however will they lay on you (PL) their hands, and you (PL) persecute, and will you (PL) give over to the synagogues and prisons and you (PL) lead before kings and rulers for my Name. 13this will result for you (PL) to the witness say. 14take then it you (PL) to the heart, not to worry ahead, how self to defend; 15because I will you (PL) give a mouth and wisdom, what all your (PL) opponents will self not can oppose or contradict. 16you (PL) will however handed over to be even by parents, and brothers, and relatives, and friend; and a part of you (PL) will they kill. 17and you (PL) will be hated by everyone for my Name. 18and any hair of your head will not lost to be. 19through your perseverance will you (PL) gain your (PL) lives!
20and when you (PL) will see Jerusalem lay seige to with armies, shall you (PL) then know, that her desolation has self come near. 21then should the (ones), who are in (land of) Yehudah, flee to the mountains; and the (ones), who are in her midst, should go out; and the (ones), who are in the country, should not go in into her. 22because they are days of vengeance, so that it shall fulfilled to be all, what stands written. 23woe is to the pregnant women and nursing ones in those days! because it will be a great need over land and a wrath over the this people. 24and they will fall by the edge of the sword, and captive led to be among all peoples; and Jerusalem will trampled to be by nations (of the world), until the time of the nations (of the world) will fulfilled to be. 25and there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; and on the earth distress on nations; and they will not know any counsel self to give, because the seethe of sea and the waves; 26and people will faint for fear and expectation of that, which must come on the world; because the powers of heaven will shaken to be. 27and then will they see the Son of Man come on a cloud with power and much glory. (Daniel 7, 13-14.) 28when however the these things begin on happen, shall you (PL) self lift up and pick up your (PL) heads, because your redemption come near self.
29and he has them said a parable: look on the fig tree and on all trees; 30when they sprout already, see you (PL) it and know of self alone, that the summer is near. 31so also you (PL), when you (PL) will see the these things happen, shall you (PL) know, that the kingdom of Hashem is near. 32in truth tell I you (PL): the this generation will not pass away, until all will have happened. 33the heaven and the earth will pass away, however my words will never way not pass away.
34but beware shall you (PL) self, that your (PL) hearts should not hard to be with dissipation self and drunkenness, and with worries for the life, and that that Day shall not suddenly come on you (PL); 35because as a trap will it come over all, what dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36therefore watch in every time, and do prayer, that you (PL) shall worthy be to escape the these all things, which need to happen, and to stand before the Son of Man!
37and by day is he was in the house HaMikdash and has taught, and by night is he went out and has slept over on the mountain, which they have it called Mount of Olives. 38and the whole people is come to him in the morning in house HaMikdash into, so that him to hear.
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