Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Corinthians 1:27
The Wise Woman Enjoys Part Two
10 days
Summer is a time when your children will experience every moment to the fullest. How are you going to use this opportunity? Don’t let this summer slip through your fingers. Take hold of the joy that God has for you. Journey with the Help Club for Moms as we learn how to become messengers of joy in our homes this summer!
Fresh Air
10 Days
Make the best new years decision. Stop, and open - Stop, and look up - Stop, and invite God's presence in. The adventure of this year awaits. Inhale, exhale - the best is about to come.
Unlikely Fighter
10 Days
Ever doubt God could use you—with your shortcomings, failures, busy schedule…whatever your obstacles may be—to do anything big for His Kingdom? Good news: God specializes in the unlikely. The Scriptures offer ample examples of unlikely fighters—people God used in huge ways, despite (or even because of!) their imperfections. Meet 10 of these unlikely fighters, and discover how the Lord can use you to do mighty things.
My Grace Is Sufficient for You: A Study on 2 Corinthians 12
10 Days
Jesus told the Apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you.” Do you know the story behind that promise? Paul’s life was marked by extreme difficulty. This devotional by David Guzik is a verse-by-verse commentary of 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. Find comfort and hope in God’s Word, following Paul’s example of how to trust God in times of suffering. Be encouraged that God’s grace is sufficient for you!
11 Days
As you learn the names and titles God has given you in His Word, you find the answer to that question that echoes within all of us—“WHO AM I?”
The Least of These
11 Days
Widows, Orphans, Handicapped, Disabled, children, pre-born children, abused, lower class, homeless people, prisoners…the list goes on. In every society and culture, certain types of people are looked down on or disregarded. How does God see all these special people? Walk with us through scripture and some true stories from disabled believers who help us live as He desires we do.
My Darkest Moment
11 Days
Hear 10 true stories of hope—five videos featuring modern-day redemption stories and five audio devotionals from the life of Jesus. You'll see so clearly that your story is not over. No matter what you’ve been through, God can use you to shine light into someone else's darkness.
Walking with God in Business
12 Days
Punch greed in the face with reckless love! God is eager to display his love, goodness, and wisdom for all of heaven and earth to see. Dive into God’s desire to use business to supernaturally touch physical and spiritual poverty and bring the abundance of His kingdom to earth.
Stand Out: Living for Christ in a Corrupt World
12 Days
The first epistle to the Corinthians covers several issues that are relevant to Christians today. By drawing lessons from 1 Corinthians 1-7, Dr. David Mende encourages us to live for Christ in a corrupt world.
Pearls of Grace: 12 Pearls + 12 Prayers
12 Days
If a pearl necklace could represent the grace of God, each individual pearl would be an aspect of His amazing grace. The Lord puts this priceless strand around our neck at our spiritual birth. Here are 12 pearls and 12 prayers with corresponding Scriptures to help us see the immeasurable riches of His grace we have in Christ. May we know the joy of walking in this amazing grace!