Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Peter 2:18
1 Peter: Set Apart
8 Days
In this 8-part devotional, Pastor Dylan Dodson teaches through the book of 1 Peter. This plan will encourage you to remain faithful in the hardships of life because of the future glory that awaits.
As for Me and My House
9 Days
Generational sin is real, and it can be difficult to move from hurt to healing. This 9-day plan aims to help you cling to Jesus in your home, to start a new legacy for your family, and build a stronger faith to fight the temptation of generational sin.
1–2 Peter: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan
10 Days
Over the course of 10 days, alongside passages from 1–2 Peter: Living Hope in a Hard World by Lydia Brownback, dig deeper into the books of 1–2 Peter and learn how God uses hope, humility, and holiness to prepare believers for their final home in heaven.
1 Peter: Odd Life, Good God
10 Days
If there is hope for Peter, there is hope for anyone. If there is hope for Peter, there is hope for you. Peter’s life was odd, but God was good. That is the secret to Peter’s success and this 10-day plan will help you study the book of 1 Peter to more deeply understand God’s goodness and faithfulness in the midst of confusion, condemnation, and persecution.
The Least of These
11 Days
Widows, Orphans, Handicapped, Disabled, children, pre-born children, abused, lower class, homeless people, prisoners…the list goes on. In every society and culture, certain types of people are looked down on or disregarded. How does God see all these special people? Walk with us through scripture and some true stories from disabled believers who help us live as He desires we do.
Not of This World
12 Days
The world we are living in is transient and temporal. As believers, we are passengers in transit on Earth and our destination is our eternity with Christ. As such, how do we remember our identity as God’s holy people while navigating the fallen world we are in? Journey with us and learn how we can live differently, as people not of this world.
Triumph Over Trials - 1 and 2 Peter
14 Days
In “Triumph over Trials,” we will study the books of First and Second Peter. These letters remain as relevant today as when Peter first wrote them and provide an invaluable compass for navigating life in these challenging times.
The Struggle Is Real
16 Days
Life is hard. The struggle IS real. While all of us experience seasons of blessing, we are broken people living in a broken world. The book of 1st Peter is candid about the struggles we face, but unapologetic about the hope and truth of Jesus. Walk through 1st Peter with this reading plan because the struggle is real! (We recommend using The Message (MSG) translation.)
How to Handle Affliction and Suffering
18 Days
The apostle Paul tells his readers, “We must suffer many things on our way into God’s kingdom” (Acts 14:22). Reading the book of Acts or hearing testimonies from Christians all over the world, these words are proven true. Believers face opposition and persecution. Maybe you experience affliction yourself. In this reading plan, we want to encourage you and to teach you how to handle affliction.
1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World
22 Days
Want to grow in boldness and wisdom as a follower of Jesus in the places where you work, rest, and play? ‘1 Peter: Confidence in a Complex World’ is a 22-day journey through the mind-renewing and confidence-building letter of 1 Peter. Discover how his message to Christians 2000 years ago can empower you to live for Jesus today.