Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Peter 3:17
Olympic Inspiration
6 Days
Kelly Clark is a five-time Olympian and gold medalist. She is one of the world's most decorated female snowboarders. A comment from a competitor started her on a faith journey. Looking back, she says, "God had it all planned out, and I was along for the ride." This six-day devotional takes you into her story and the way God worked. It'll inspire your journey with our personal God.
LifeConnect Devotionals by Wayne Cordeiro
7 Days
Grow deeper and stronger in your spiritual life with this 7-day devotional offering SOAP Articles from the NIV LifeConnect Bible - Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. Author Wayne Cordeiro offers insights and thoughts drawn from his own use of this Bible study method in his spiritual journey.
Stand With God
7 Days
This study dives into the tough concepts of what it really looks like to stand with God in our everyday lives. Inspiring and encouraging, this study uses clips from God’s Not Dead 2 to help the reader grasp situations that God could call us to step up in. Every day in life you must ask yourself the question, “Where will you stand?”
Becoming An Extraordinary Leader
7 Days
We all long to be great leaders, but what does it really take to be an extraordinary, God-honoring leader? Rooted in the Great Commandment is a model for leadership that cultivates a life of ever-increasing influence, but it requires our whole selves – heart, soul, mind and strength. Join us for a 7-day devotional to gain greater understanding of leading from our God-given best.
Hollywood Prayer Network On Fear
7 Days
Let’s delve into a horribly destructive, yet common, emotion—FEAR! It’s never wise to make a decision out of fear, yet most of us waste hours, days, even years of our lives, immobilized by fear. So, let’s break the spirit of fear this week, and seek the Lord for deliverance, freedom and strength to push aside fear and be filled with the power of joy, peace, and His unconditional love.
Dos and Don'ts: A One-Week Plan to Help Your Marriage
7 Days
When your marriage is in a fragile state, there have been many misunderstandings, you are hurting and feel all alone, sometimes a little practical help can make a big difference. These 5 dos and don'ts may surprise you, but they are tried and true ways to find comfort, strength, and healing as you trust in the Lord to re-establish oneness and intimacy in your marriage.
Tell Great Stories, Live Great Lives
7 Days
The stories you tell about your relationship with Jesus and the way you live like Jesus can bring freedom, healing, and hope to others. You can feel confident to tell great stories and live a great life because you have been given the Holy Spirit. Let’s look together at how you can live and share the best story of all time!
Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel
7 Days
Any way you cut the Gospel, it bleeds forgiveness. Yet, even the most seasoned Christian can struggle to extend forgiveness to those that have deeply wounded them. Dr. Bruce Hebel invites you on a seven-day journey to discover what God has to say about experiencing the freedom of the Gospel through forgiveness and show you how to apply the blood of Jesus as payment in full for every wound.
The Great Commission
7 Days
Becoming a believer is not just about accepting Christ into our hearts, submitting to His Lordship and surrendering to the transformation process. It’s also about serving in His kingdom and sharing the Gospel (We Are All Ministers – Abigail George). Over the next week, pray for the Lord to bring you opportunities to tell people about Him – He will be there right alongside you!
7 Tips for Sharing Why Jesus Is Your Hope
7 Days
The world offers countless choices for how to live and who to follow. With each conflicting option, we’re often left uncertain and confused. In these seven devotions, evangelist Ray Comfort describes how you can confidently share the truth and love of Jesus to a world that needs hope. Surrender your fears and trust God’s faithfulness to transform lives as you tell others the good news.