Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Peter 5:7
Hollywood Prayer Network On Anxiety & Worry
7 Days
HPN wants to meet your personal spiritual needs and supply you a solid daily devotional, as well as encourage you to include praying for the people, the projects, and the incredible influence of the Hollywood entertainment industry. We see it as the world’s most influential mission field and yet the people there struggle with the same issues that we do. This week we’re facing one of the most powerful and debilitating emotions that we experience: ANXIETY/WORRY. God tells us over and over again in His Word that we are not to worry, we’re not to feel anxious, and yet we struggle with it every day. If we could truly trust God to give us wisdom, guide us in our thoughts and conversations and have the faith to let Him take care of the details of our life, we would feel freedom and joy, despite our circumstances. Let’s try to master a sense of peace by giving our anxiety and worry to Him this week!
Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken
7 Days
This reading plan is based upon Cindy Beall's book, Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken. Learn how to find hope and healing for your wounded marriage as you navigate the waters of betrayal. Cindy, and her husband, Chris, have walked out their healing by trusting in God's mighty power and encourage you to join them on this healing journey.
True North: Redemption
7 Days
Even with the amazing gift of redemption, all of us still sin even after accepting Jesus. God’s love, grace, and mercy for us don’t end at salvation. It’s just the beginning. No matter what you’ve done, no matter how far you’ve fallen, God is still waiting and wanting to redeem you back to Himself.
Building A Daily Prayer Habit
7 Days
We all want to pray more than we do. This seven day plan will guide you in taking the first steps toward building a daily prayer habit by seeking the heart of prayer and examining the key biblical statements on what prayer is and how it works.
Pray Through Scripture: Anxiety
7 Days
This seven-day devotional will teach you the art of praying through Scripture as you address the subject of anxiety. When we pray Scripture, we ask God to make the words of these ancient Spirit-filled authors true in our hearts and minds; we borrow these powerful words and questions as a means of drawing personally closer to God.
Hurt But Not Held Back
7 Days
When we are hurt, we can carry the stench of lies, betrayal, and pain with us. It can haunt us, follow us and hold us back. But what if we were able to shed our suffering? What if our hurt didn’t hold us back after all. This seven day devotion will walk you through the steps of transforming pain to peace, hurt to healing, and rejection to redemption.
How To Pray
7 Days
We all have a sense that prayer is important, but few of us are actually taught to pray. What does it mean to pray? How does one do it? Prayer shows up in stories and letters as a vital practice, but how do we actual do it well? This seven day plan will help you understand what prayer is and how to engage with this life-changing practice.
Answering Anxiety
7 Days
Does God have an answer for anxiety? Do we have to be medicated to cope, or is there a biblical solution for the anxieties of the soul? The God of the Bible cares for hurting people. This is seen in both the Old Testament and in the New. In the person of Jesus, mankind meets the God of all mercy face to face.
Become Emotionally Healthy!
7 Days
Invisible suffering is not hidden before God. Even the oldest wounds are not forgotten. He knows them, He sees them, and He wants to heal you of them. He promises to comfort you and to bring an end to your warfare. In this reading plan we will take a better look at this!
Letting Love In: How God Crushes Your Inner Critic
7 Days
Do you struggle with lies of fear, worry or unforgiveness? These are often due to the Inner Critic who comes to steal, kill and destroy. Do you struggle to love yourself? In Letting Love In you learn what the Bible says about this and how to ask the Lord to help you overcome and experience a life of love.