Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Timothy 6:20
God With Us
7 Days
In Jesus, God came down to be "with us," which we celebrate every Christmas. This week, we will examine Luke’s Gospel, which provides a detailed account of the Incarnation. Through this lens, we’ll identify some insights and simple practices that can help us experience the presence of Immanuel this Christmas! Written by Dean Brenton of Impactus
The Gift: Advent Bible Plan
12 Days
Advent is a time to celebrate and walk deeply with the Lord as we reflect on the significance of the greatest gift ever given, Jesus. Amidst the craziness of the world, take some time this season to center yourself back on the hope we have in Jesus with The Gift Advent Bible Plan.
Looking for Hope in a Hopeless World
12 Days
Many people today are looking for hope in a hopeless world. With increasing disasters and health problems, we have never needed hope for a better future more than right now. This plan is designed to show you the hope that comes through the scripture by following the words of Jesus Christ.
1&2 Timothy: Priorities & Principles In Leadership
14 Days
These readings from Scripture Union Peninsular Malaysia are written from the thoughts and insights of Asian writers. Paul lays down the priorities and principles of leadership in the church, and for dealing with practical matters in church life. He emphasises the personal life and example of the leader, not methods or techniques, with himself as the role-model.
Conversations With God
12 Days
Conversations With God is a joyous immersion into a more intimate prayer life, emphasizing practical ways to hear God's voice. God wants us to enjoy a running conversation with Him all of our lives—a conversation that makes all the difference in direction, relationships, and purpose. This plan is filled with transparent, personal stories about the reaching heart of God. He loves us!
Remain True - 1&2 Timothy
21 Days
Written to Timothy, the books of 1 & 2 Timothy present Paul’s passion for preserving the truth of God’s Word. At the heart of Paul’s message is the charge for Timothy to remain true to the gospel, no matter what. Join us in these letters, rich with wisdom and hope, as Paul reminds us how remaining faithful to the gospel's truth is the foundation of a Christ-centred life.
Our Biblical GPS
23 Days
Our earthly lives are a journey, and God’s guidance system enables us to avoid many detours along the way. We remain on the best road home when we allow God’s word to be our guidance system through the Holy Spirit.
1 & 2 Timothy
30 Days
After an encounter with Jesus, Paul was radically changed. This change led him to plant churches, go on missions, and write much of the New Testament. Two of the books he penned were letters written to a young man named Timothy. Paul wrote regarding church leadership and ministry perseverance that are powerful reminders to us today as we seek to stand firm with faith in an ungodly world.
30 Days Of Emotional Health
30 Days
God doesn't want us feeling perpetually stressed or defeated, nor does He want us enslaved to hurts from our past. This 30-day reading plan will help you draw closer to Him each day and anchor yourself in the life-giving truths He preserved for us in Scripture. Edited by Karen Greer and LaShawn Montoya.
Generosity: 30 Days Toward Biblical Generosity
1 Month
The following reading plan is provided to encourage you to dig deep into the Biblical message of generosity. It is here that we discover the good news that God has not only made us to be recipients of his grace but has also invited us to become participants in the movement of his divine generosity. We invite you to join us on the journey toward generous living.