Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 2 Samuel 7:11
Introduction To The Gospels
10 days
This reading plan explores the literary character of the Gospels, their status in the Church, and their unity and variety.
Keep Calm and Marry On
10 Days
In this ten-day devotional, Skip Heitzig digs into God's plan for marriage, showing you how to strengthen your home and keep your relationship with your spouse on track. From fulfilling marital roles to communicating effectively and from delightful sexual relations to recognizing and avoiding common pitfalls, these powerful, biblical devotionals will provide the tips and tools you need to keep calm and marry on.
Jesus Is the Ultimate Prophet, Priest and King
11 Days
Jesus Christ has existed from eternity as God the Son. But He came to earth to make sinful people right with God again. His salvation work can be described in three key words: He is the ultimate Prophet, Priest and King — not just during His earthly ministry, but forever. This reading plan takes 11 days to discover what these three ‘offices’ of Jesus imply.
The Bible in 12 Days : Discover God’s Story of Redemption
12 Days
This plan is a guide to discover God’s story as it unfolds in the Bible - from Genesis through Revelation. Over 12 days, each devotional will introduce one part of that story. Each will list the Scripture passages covering that period, and dates, highlight its main points and briefly summarize the part it plays within the context of God’s redemptive plan. The Bible reading each day should take about 30 minutes.
We Believe In Jesus: The King
14 Days
This reading plan investigates the doctrine of Christology, focusing on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus is God in the flesh, the center of all history, and the only hope for the salvation of humanity and creation. This plan explores Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament office of king.
Alpha & Omega
14 Days
The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a book about what will happen in the future; but perhaps more importantly, it’s a book about who controls the future. More than sixty years after Jesus rose from the dead, He appears once again to His disciple John to tell him about the things to come. John sees Jesus in a whole new way: He is now risen, glorified, and clearly in charge of the universe. Jesus is Lord of everyone, everywhere, forever. The question for you and me is whether we will trust Him with our lives, believing that He holds both the present and the future in His all-powerful and loving hands.
15 Days of Supernatural Encounters
15 Days
The series contains short, encouraging devotionals, prayers, and Scripture passages that will help you encounter God in mighty ways--on HIS supernatural territory! As you walk through this series, let the Scriptures inspire and challenge your faith, so that the Holy Spirit can take you to a new level of intimacy with Jesus.
The God Story
18 Days
This 18-day plan sweeps through the compelling and creative biblical story. It will help you move from familiar to fascinated with God and His word. Each day, we focus on a particular individual who encountered the unfailing love of God.
Bible 2020 The Mission to the World
20 Days
Beginning with God’s covenants with Noah, Abram and David, these readings explore God’s ongoing mission to restore his broken creation, drawing people back to himself. God’s mission finds its fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus Christ, a mission which the church continues today. Be part of a global movement changing the world around you by reading the Bible aloud for one minute every day.
Unification: A Study in 2 Samuel
21 Days
2 Samuel depicts the ascension and reign of King David following the death of Saul and Jonathan. David united the kingdom, established Jerusalem as the capital city, and extended the territory of Israel. At the crescendo of the book, God promises David that "your throne shall be established forever" (2 Samuel 7:16). Despite David's wickedness, God ultimately fulfills his promises to David through the person and work of Jesus Christ.