Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Acts 1:5
Fully Alive - a Life Empowered by the Holy Spirit
7 Days
What does it mean to be Empowered by the Holy Spirit? This 7-day plan will introduce you to a life full of the Holy Spirit and help discover the Fruitfulness that is only found in Him. Topics in this plan include being full of life, knowing the Holy Spirit as a person, being transformed by the Holy Spirit, Praying in the Spirit, speaking in tongues and other Spiritual gifts.
Preparing for the Power of Pentecost
7 Days
With a zealous passion and clear vision, leaders long for meaningful change. Every leader desires to see God powerfully send His Spirit. Learn the seven things the Apostles did to prepare for the Spirit to come at Pentecost.
Depth, Diversity, and Divine Promise of the Great Commission
7 Days
This Bible study plan will show you the diversity, depth, and divine promise of the Great Commission. You will see there are several Great Commission passages that Jesus said at different times. The study will give some contextual background, synthesize the passages to give you a more robust view of the task, and give some practical next steps to help you better fulfill the Great Commission.
What to Do When We Are Waiting
7 Days
Do you feel stuck? Do you think God has forgotten you and left you in a place of waiting? Do you feel aimless and lacking purpose? Join me as we see what God wants us to do while waiting. You are not alone.
Acts: The Mission in Motherhood
7 Days
The responsibilities of motherhood leave many of us feeling like we’re sidelined from God’s work for a season. The book of Acts, however, reminds us that we are commissioned to be witnesses for Christ wherever he has us. In this series, we’re studying stories of those described as being “full of the Spirit” to explore the unique ways in which the Holy Spirit empowers our mission as moms today.
Jesus’ Passion Week: Our Savior’s Last Days and Ultimate Sacrifice
7 Days
If you knew you only had one week left to live, what would you do? Jesus’ last week is called the Passion Week. The word Passion connotes suffering, deep emotion, and longing. Read or watch Joyce Koo Dalrymple explore Jesus’ final days leading up to the Crucifixion. Understand the deep longings of His heart and the mission He came to accomplish.
The 7 C's Of Soul Winning
8 Days
When we encounter God, we experience a love and truth that is uncontainable. God changes us from the inside out. We need to let His amazing work in and through our lives spread like fire, setting others’ lives ablaze for His Kingdom as well. Pastor Bayless Conley prepares you to touch lives in your world with God’s life-bringing fire.
Pathways to the Nations
8 Days
Fishermen, soldiers, tentmakers, philosophers. The Holy Spirit employs all sorts of people, professions, and gifts to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth. Old and young, rich and poor—all can make a difference. Since Roman times, Jesus’ Kingdom has moved into the nations along pathways such as missionary trips, community outreach, academics, and business. What pathway might you travel to take God’s message to the world?
24/7 Coaches
8 Days
The 24/7 Coaches plan is designed to help coaches go from overwhelmed to overflowing by teaching through the life of Peter. We walk through four themes in this study, Reset, Renew, Refuel and Ready. We need a new perspective on winning. We need to redefine our priorities. We need to take back our time and fill it with the presence of Jesus.
Fresh Start With God
8 Days
The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that God promises a fresh start to anyone. Through Jesus Christ, we can have forgiveness, freedom and a future filled with hope and purpose. This 8-day reading plan will help you discover foundational truths from God's Word and give you practical steps to help you grow and become all that God created you to be.