Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Acts 15:41
17 Days
(Part three of a four part journey through the Books of Acts.) Even in (and especially in?) hard times, God is present and is working to build His Church. We can find encouragement in this. When circumstances force us to pivot, we don’t have to lose heart - God is with us.
The Book Of Acts: Part 3 - Ends Of The Earth
18 Days
An exciting look at the birth of the early church, through the eyes of Luke, the author of the gospel of Luke. This series combines video clips from the movie, The Book of Acts, with thought-provoking questions for reflection, discussion and practical life application.
19 Days
The book of Acts shows us how God used the disciples in the days after Jesus’ ascension to impact the world with the power of the Gospel message. We hope as you read, you’ll realize we are also called to be witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered with the Holy Spirit to go into this world.
After Pentecost: The Disciples Deployed
20 Days
Because Peter and the other apostles knew Jesus not only as Savior, but also as teacher, leader, mentor, and friend, they became effective leaders in the early Church drawing continually on Jesus’ words, the example He set, and the experience they gained under His earthly leadership to advance God’s Kingdom by advancing the Gospel.
The Birth of the Christian Church
20 Days
The book of Acts reveals the power of God at work through the Apostles and other individuals who would turn the world upside down with the Christian movement. This study will help you understand the importance of the Holy Spirit at work in your life and recognize that God’s children can do the extraordinary work of Jesus Christ when yielded to his will and power.
20 Days
Conflict is just part of being in relationship with other people. Even if we hate it, dread it, and would do just about anything to avoid it, the showdowns in our lives are coming. Thankfully, we have the Bible's wisdom to read and learn from. We’ll see that there’s a way to handle conflict that’s not only better for our relationships, but for our own peace as well.
Jesus Style Leadership 4 - Sent & Team
20 Days
Jesus-Style Leadership (JSL) offers 80 biblical devotions designed to help young Christian leaders develop a biblical way of leadership that will ensure their leadership calling and gifting is greatly used by God in his kingdom. JSL is all about leading Jesus' way. This final Plan focuses on the need to share the gospel and work in team.
The Healing Jesus: An Advent Devotional to Encourage Anybody and Everybody
25 Days
Amidst all the hustling to get stuff done during the Christmas season, we invite you to pause daily and meet 25 Bible Characters (some well-known, some not-so-well-known) that Jesus brought healing to. Just as He has brought healing into the lives of those in the Bible, He is ready to bring healing to you today.
The Domino Effect
28 Days
You’ve heard of the domino effect, right? The term is used to describe when one event sets off a chain reaction of other events.. Is your life, your choices and your commitments creating a domino line? Our mission and call as believers in Jesus is to continue to build our domino line so generation after generation will be able to proclaim the name of Jesus.
Acts of the Holy Spirit: A Study in Acts
28 Days
Written by Luke to Theophilus, Acts is a sequel to Luke’s earlier Gospel. Luke writes Acts to provide a historical record of the early church and show the trajectory of God's redemptive plan after the resurrection of Jesus. Acts reorients us to the mission of God today: a diverse church, filled with the Holy Spirit, dedicated to showing and sharing the gospel across the earth.