Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Daniel 3:25
Serving God in a Hostile Environment. The Example of Daniel and His Friends
17 Days
The book of Daniel tells us about four young Jewish men who were taken captive by the Babylonian king to serve him. In their new and hostile environment, these youths remained faithful to their God and bore a powerful witness to people around them. Their stories contain valuable lessons for us, since we too are living in a world that is often antagonistic towards God.
Daniel P1: Godly Living as a Stranger in the Land
20 Days
How foggy the path ahead must have seemed for Daniel as he and his friends were captive. Marched to a foreign land, given foreign names, told to eat foreign food, and to worship foreign gods. Let's travel with the young Daniel as he negotiates following the One True God in this foreign place. We will see ourselves through his challenges and learn how we too can follow this One True God in our own foreign context.
Reality Bytes
23 Days
People say "Reality bites"... There comes a moment when the rose-coloured spectacles of our wishful thinking and idealised hopes crack and the harsh light of the so-called "real world" bites us. In computer-speak a "byte" is cluster of ones and zeroes that is needed to transmit one alphabet character of information. This series contains some "Reality-Bytes": A reminder of God's greater truth in the midst of our lives.
Biblex: The Historical Books
25 Days
In this BibleX study, you will explore the historical books of Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Daniel, Esther, Ezra, and Nehemiah. You will study portions of Scripture, learn the key points by viewing a short video, and grow by applying the Scripture’s teachings to your life. BibleX is a free resource to help expand your knowledge of the Bible.
Emmanuel: God With Us, an Advent Devotional
25 Days
More than a name, Emmanuel is a declaration of heaven meeting Earth: God with us in despair, struggle, and brokenness. At Christmas, God came to redeem people in need of a Savior and light the darkness with His love. As we remember and celebrate His coming, HOPE International—a global nonprofit accelerating the end of poverty—explores how Jesus’ followers can bring His holy, healing presence into a broken world.
Advent: Join the Triumph
26 Days
This Christmas prepare to celebrate the Birth of Jesus with this Advent Devotional! We will be looking at how the Birth of Jesus is an invitation to Victory over sin, death, and evil. We will look at the Victories of The Bible and how they point to the Ultimate Victory of Jesus.
Where There's Smoke There's Fire
28 Days
The age-old adage of “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” rings true with God’s presence: if it’s visible, the signs are present. In this 28-day reading plan, we see how God’s presence is symbolized by fire and the “smoke” that should show in our lives because of it. Note: This plan is based on the sermon series from the good people at Youth Pastor Co.
One Step
28 Days
God’s heart for justice. A middle school devotional designed to show students God’s plan to see justice make things right in this world. In this devotional, you'll find encouragement to see how God is working for justice already and what you can do to join in to move toward justice one step at a time.
And It Was Good
28 Days
The good work of justice. A high school devotional designed to show students God’s goodness at work in the world through justice. In this devotional, you'll find encouragement to see how God is working for justice already and the role you can play to join in that good story for all of humankind.