Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Daniel 6:1
Strong Under Pressure: Wisdom From the Book of Daniel
5 Days
How do you hold on to your faith when the world pulls you in different directions? What if your beliefs don’t align with those of culture? In this 5-day Bible Plan, we’ll explore the Book of Daniel and discover how to build the kind of faith that can face anything.
Fasting & Praying - Why & How?
6 Days
This week, we will talk about a subject few enjoy bringing up...fasting! Many people believe it is surely good for others, "but not for me." Let's take a look at what the Bible says about fasting and praying. You will discover practical ways on how to start with something Jesus also did a lot!
How to be a Christian at Your Work – Part 1 of 2
6 Days
Living out your faith at work is challenging and difficult, especially in the secular workplace. We are often encouraged to leave our faith and beliefs at home. But that isn’t at all what we are called to do as Christ-followers, is it? In this study, we explore the teachings of the Bible and discover 5 insights to help you live your faith and honor God while still pleasing your boss.
Biblical Leadership: One Word For Your Success
6 Days
Living out your faith at work is challenging and difficult, especially in the secular workplace. As a leader, there is even more pressure to model company policy and leave our faith at home. In this study, the teachings of the Bible help us uncover a single 5-letter word to help you live your faith and honor God in a way that builds your leadership success like none other. Be NICER!
Pray First
6 Days
Start your day off on the right foot with the Pray First devotional, based on the Pray First Bible study by Pastor Chris Hodges. Each day, you'll read a passage from the Bible, accompanied by a video teaching from Pastor Chris, thought-provoking reflection and a prayer to guide your own personal conversation with God.
Rooting Out Relationship Killers
7 Days
God made us for relationship with Himself and each other. So life is good when relationships are sweet and terrible when they go wrong. This series of devotionals, based on the book Rooting Out Relationship Killers, provides practical, inspirational wisdom for the cultivation and maintenance of healthy relationships of every kind.
Pentecost: Connecting To The Holy Spirit
7 Days
In this 7-day study, we will discover ways to connect to the Holy Spirit. How can you experience God's Spirit and can you communicate with Him? Practical and Biblical tips will be given to you. Start today, and at the end of the week, you might have experienced something you will never forget.
The Choice of Excellence
7 Days
Excellence is a common goal but a rare reality. The nature of God is excellent therefore excellence should guide our daily lives. Over the next seven days we will discover the importance of excellence in every facet of a believer’s life.
7 Days
Have you ever been typing and wished you knew faster ways to complete certain tasks? Throughout this series, we are going to teach you a few computer shortcuts with spiritual principles from God’s Word connected to them that you can apply to your life. Join us for seven days of learning spiritual shortcuts!
The Remnant
7 Days
God always preserves a remnant of true believers in an unbelieving world. They are his faithful witnesses who stand against the world’s systems, fleshly appetites, and devilish schemes. Often they stand alone facing floods, fires, lions, and giants, in order to faithfully follow God. In this seven-day plan, reconsider some of your favorite biblical stories through the eyes of the believing and courageous remnant.