Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Ephesians 1:4
GOD REVEALED – A New Testament Journey (PART 6)
13 Days
Is our life progressively changing after encountering Christ? How can we build assets that last beyond life? How can we radiate joy, contentment, and peace in all situations? This, and much more, is addressed in Paul’s letters. Not only does he teach, he leads by example. As false teachings and leaders are fast penetrating, these letters rock churches into strong defense and action. Their undiluted truths continue to transform lives.
13 Days
Have you recently made the decision to follow Jesus but you don't know what's next? Are you excited and eager to know God but you don't know where to start? Then this Bible Plan is for you! We want to help guide you in your new relationship with Jesus, so throughout this Plan, you will learn what God thinks of you, why we pray and read the Bible, what it looks like to follow Jesus, and so much more!
Mary, Did You Know?
13 Days
“All generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me,” Mary sang. And she was right. She became the mother of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God! This gives her a unique position in God’s salvation plan. This reading plan is about Mary, a humble and blessed woman with great faith.
God's Glory
13 Days
The Bible speaks much of God's glory, expressed by the words כָּבוֹד (in Hebrew) and δόξα (in Greek). This is God’s heavenly splendor and majesty that sometimes becomes visible on earth. This reading plan will show you how great God is and how you as a believer can share in His glory.
Together in Faith - a Journey Through Ephesians
13 Days
Paul’s letters to the Ephesians reveal God’s amazing love, grace, and purpose for us. They show us how to live out our faith practically, find unity in our communities, and deepen our relationship with Christ. Join us over the next two weeks as we dive into what it means to journey together in faith.
Make Every Day Count
14 Days
Tired of living life as if you are just going through the motions? Feel like life is ordering you around instead of having order in your life? Learn how to live on purpose, for a purpose. Take the next two weeks and discover practical tips to help you learn to plan wisely, live each day with purpose, and fuel your determination to take hold of God’s plan for your life!
Unlimited Love
14 Days
Unlimited Love will inspire you with the proven power of God’s love in action. Written by Dr Desmond Ford and Dr Eliezer Gonzalez, it is their prayer that Unlimited Love will take you deeper into God’s promises of His unlimited love for you. Each day also includes personal reflections designed to apply practical lessons to your daily life.
Unlimited Kingdom
14 Days
This Unlimited Kingdom reading plan will inspire you with what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, and your part both in his kingdom and in the world. Jesus spoke more about the Kingdom of Heaven than anything else. This reading plan goes to the very heart of the teachings of our Lord, and answers some of the most important questions of life: What is the Kingdom of Heaven, and what does it mean for me to live within it?
Paul's Prison Epistles: Paul and the Ephesians
14 Days
This plan examines how Paul designed Ephesians to teach Christians how to build, maintain and thrive in God's kingdom.
Alive & Active
14 Days
Alive and active are two incredible words, but would you say they are words that describe your Bible reading time? Or is your Bible reading time more sporadic and inconsistent, or disciplined and boring? Let your Bible come alive, transforming your thinking, setting you free, making you laugh, let it be all it is supposed to be.